Chapter 3

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Wednesday Addams POV:

After sitting at my desk for a while, I hear the shower turn off. I stand up and walk to the bathroom door. "Enid, are you okay?" I ask and I hear a small yes, "Let me know if you need any help and do not overexert your body." I say and once again I hear a small okay.

While waiting for Enid to come out of the bathroom, there's a knock at the door.
"Wednesday, I have the medicine." Grandmama says from the hall, "Come in." I say and she opens the door. "So this is the medicine, it needs to be applied two times a day to the worse wounds. It should heal in about a week. There will be a small scar but not huge." She says handing me a cream.
"Thank you Grandmama, I will be sure to help her out." I say with a nod. "Dinner will be done in an hour, I'll send Lurch up to tell you two." She says leaving the room. "Okay." I say before she closes the door.

After another couple minutes, Enid comes out of the bathroom walking slowly and sluggish. "Thank you." Enid says tears welling up in her eyes. "You do not need to thank me, but Grandmama made you some cream for your injuries and I need to help you apply them two times a day. She said it should heal in about a week and it will only leave a small scar. So if you want I can apply it now so we can start the proper healing process." I tell her and she takes a moment to think about it and then nods slightly.
"Alright, you turn around so I can get the back of your shoulder, and then I need you to turn front so I can get your ribcage and the front of your shoulder." I say, She turns around and drops her shirt from her left shoulder, to reveal the large gash that was stitched shut a couple hours ago. "I'm going to touch you, is that okay?" I ask her, "Yeah." She says in a raspy whisper. I gently move some of her hair and grab her arm gently making sure that I don't hit her injury. I look at it to make sure the bleeding has stopped completely. It has. I take my hand off her arm and grab some gloves and the container. I get a quarter size amount of the ointment and begin to carefully rub it on her shoulder.

"That stings." Enid whimpers, "It'll be over in a little while." I say and then finish putting it all over the wound. "Alright we are going to take a break before we do your ribs because it is much worse than your shoulder." I say and she nods. "Come sit down, you need to relax, you look like you're gonna pass out." I say and she sits down on the edge of the bed being quiet, the most abnormal thing for Enid. "You can talk to me about anything. I'll listen. This is hard to say but "I want the happy, joyful, energetic Enid back." I say grimacing about the words that just exited my mouth. I make a face but quickly wipe it away at the small smile that appears on her face.

"I'm just scared, can you actually do something for me?" She asks with a quiet voice. "Yes I can." I say waiting to find out what she needs. "Take my phone and unadd all of my family from my contacts and the location I do not need them to find where I am at." She says tears start falling down her face as she speaks. I grab her phone from off the bed and I open it with her uniquely stupid password: UNIcornLoveRR. I open up her phone and so many messages and phone calls facetime calls emails all of it comes popping up at an incredible speed. Mother, Father, Jackson, Axel, Zander, Kyle, and Jake. Hundreds of notifications pop up on the screen from these people. From threats to being nice, to death threats. I delete and block them all from her phone. I make sure her location is turned off from everyone and it is.

"They are blocked and deleted and your location is turned off for everyone. I don't trust someone will tell your family where you are." I tell her and she looks at me with a soft smile, "Thank you. I don't think I could've done it, I heard it going off alot and I just assumed it was them so thank you so much." Enid whispers out, and cries once again. "Can I have a hug?" She asks quietly. "Okay." I say conflicted. I gently wrap my arms around her waist being careful of her injuries and she hugs me right back. "Thank you Willa." She muttered into my neck. I just nod and let her cry and feel safe.

The Raven and The Broken Wolf (WenClair)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora