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Gabi sat at the vanity in the suite, looking a a framed photograph.

She was 13 years old. She was standing on the soccer field holding up a trophy, her mom and dad standing next to her.

It was the last photo of her and her parents before they were killed by a drunk driver a week later.

It took Gabi 2 years later to step back on the soccer pitch, with the support of Falco.

Gabi looked at the photo, a moment forever frozen in time. A hard knot began to form in her throat, the tears brimming in her eyes.

"I wish you both were here" she whispered.

She closed her eyes trying to stop the tears from falling.


Gabi nearly fell off the stool. "Zofia! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"Sorry it's just...everyone is looking for you and...oh Gabi....are you ok?"

Gabi turned back and saw her make-up was running a bit. Her eyes a bit red and watery. "Oh I..."

"You're not getting cold feet...oh" she looked at the picture in Gabi's hands. "I didn't even think..."

Gabi sniffled a bit. "It's ok, it's been a while since I was known as the girl with the dead parents"

"Just the gay cousins" Zofia said, getting a laugh out of Gabi.

"Zofia did you find her?"

"She's in here Reiner."

Gabi couldn't help but smile seeing her cousin. He had nearly burst into tears when she did her first look with him and his husband.

"I'm just fixing her makeup and then I'll leave you be." Zofia said as she swiped a bit more mascara on Gabi's lashes.

"Just like senior prom" Gabi said with a small laugh.

"Except that time you were crying because you threw up in Udo's car...too much tequila"

Reiner looked a bit confused. "I thought you said you had a stomach virus"

Gabi just shrugged, "what are you found to do ground me on my wedding day?"


"Thanks Zofia"

"Tell the wedding coordinator we will be ready in about 20 minutes" Reiner said.

Reiner knelt down next to Gabi as Zofia left the room.

"You ok Gabs?"

She nodded looking at the picture again.

"I remember that, it was State Cup. You had a hat trick that day" Reiner said.

"It just...it just doesn't seem right. No offense but my dad should be here to walk me down the aisle. My mom should have been with me to pick out my dress..."

Reiner placed a hand on hers. "I know, I wish they were here too. I know Bertholdt and I could have been better parents but I am glad that we made the memories that we did raising you. Bertholdt and I couldn't be more proud of who you've become" his voice cracked a bit.

Gabi gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "I my mom and dad would be really happy with how Bertholdt and you did as parents, and I'm grateful for all that you both did for me. I know you guys never wanted kids"

"Well at least you came potty trained" Reiner said laughing, causing Gabi to laugh.

After the laughter died down Gabi looked at Reiner. "So...do you think Falco will like my dress"

Reiner laughed. "I think you could wear a potato sack and he would still find you beautiful"

"I love you Reiner"

"I love you too Gabi, now let's go get you married".

The night was winding down as the wedding guest, some stumbling, made their way outside the rustic venues for the big send off.

Gabi and Falco, now Mr. and Mrs. Grice, were alone.

"Ready to go?" Gabi asked.

"Not quite. I have a wedding gift for you."

Gabi laughed. "You know it's not like a birthday party you don't have to give me a gift"

Falco smiled playfully rolling his eyes. "Bertholdt you're up"

Bertholdt came from around the bar with his guitar. Gabi surprised he was able to hide behind the bar.

"Then consider this another gift from us" Reiner said coming back inside the venue.

"Mrs. Grice may I have this dance" Falco said holding out his hand.

Gabi giggled taking it, "you may Mr. Grice"

Bertholdt began to strum his guitar and began to sing the opening lines Ed Sheeran's Perfect as the lights dimmed.

The world seemed to stop as Gabi and Falco shared their private dance.

As Bertholdt finished the final chords, Falco gave Gabi a kiss on the cheek.

"So ready for the start of forever?"

The end

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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