The Good Kid

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TW: Talks of homophobia

Gabi Braun sat outside of the Headmaster Smith's office, staring at her Converse shoes.

She was in it big time, and was dreading her cousin showing up. But once he heard her reasoning, he couldn't possibly ground her, or ship her to boarding school.

Gabi looked up to see Andy and his mom and dad in Erwin's office. Andy was holding an ice pack to his nose, the bleeding had finally stopped.

"Gabi I hope you had a good reason for nearly breaking a kids nose"

Gabi turned her head to see her cousin walking into the main office. His boyfriend right behind him.

"Why'd you bring Bertholdt?"

"He keeps me level headed, which might be needed" Reiner said taking a seat next to Gabi.

"You wanna tell me what happened?"

Gabi hesitated for a moment. "I had a really good reason...I promise"

"I hope it's good enough to not get you suspended" Reiner said pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't have many personal days left at work, unless they can let me work for home".

Bertholdt as about to say something when the door opened.

"Good to see you Mr. Braun and Mr..."

"Hoover...Bertholdt Hoover" Bertholdt said shaking Erwin's hand.

"Right like the vacuum cleaner." Erwin joked.

Gabi fought the urge to make a dirty joke. Now wasn't the time.

"So, from what I've heard from Andy you two were just joking around and then you punched him" Erwin said.

Gabi's eyebrows furrowed.

"Look, Mr. and Mrs. Tyler I know Gabi can loose her cool easily, but she wouldn't hit someone if they were just kidding around" Reiner said.

"Well that's why I want to hear Gabi's side of the story" Erwin said calmly. "Ms. Braun"

Gabi took a deep breath. "Well we weren't joking around so let's get that straight" she said shooting a glare at Andy. "He was making gross comments to my friend Zofia. She was too humiliated to fight back so I did. That's when this ding dong-"

"Gabi" Erwin gave her a look.

"Andy decided to go after me."

"And then she hit me!" Andy interrupted.

"Andy, Ms. Braun is speaking" Erwin said.

"Well, he said something about Reiner and Bertholdt." Gabi said.

"What did he say?"

"He called the f-word and not f*ck. Said that they were unnatural and that they were why I was 'so messed up' and that's when I hit him."

"Mr. Tyler" Erwin said turning to the boy. "You failed to mention that part"

Andy stayed silent.

His mom cleared her throat. "Well that's...just his opinion. He has a right to it. Besides...given the circumstances stances he might not be so far off"

Reiner was about to jumped in when Bertholdt grabbed his hand.

"But I didn't say it" Andy said.

"I know sweetie but even if you did..."

Erwin closed his eyes for a moment. "Mrs. Tyler, Andy is well within his rights to have his own opinion and appropriately express it. However hate speech is not allowed at this school."

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