Chapter One Day of the Dead

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It was a beautiful day in Racoon City as we see a teenage boy waiting outside of a house for someone.

????: Why does she have to make me wait like this everyday I mean I don't care but come on.

Female voice: Sorry to keep you waiting Arther.

The boy now known as Arther turns around to see his childhood friend.

The boy now known as Arther turns around to see his childhood friend

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Arther: It's alright Stella let's just get going.

Stella: Alright.

They start walking and make there way to school the guys start staring at Stella so she wraps her arms around's Arther's. She then places her head on his shoulder as they keep walking this of course makes all the guy's look at Arther with hatred so he plays along and places his head on her head and all the boy's get mad at this but he does not care.

Stella: See you at my place tonight.

Arther: Yeah count on it.

They do a handshake and they end that with their finger's making heart and Stella waves and goes to class. Arther starts walking to his class and when he makes it he takes his seat which is next to the window he takes his seat and places his bag right next to his desk as he wait's for his class to start. The teacher as Arther yawn's because he stayed up a bit playing a anime zombie game it was called high school of the dead living hell and he stayed up all night to beat it and did not go to bed until four in the morning as he rubs his eyes since he is still waking up.

Teacher: Arther you ok did you have tuff night or something?

Arther: Yeah I'm fine just lost track of time last night.  

Teacher: Ah ok well you need to make sure you get a lot of rest try not to do it again alright.

Arther: Yes sir.

(7 hours later)

Arther's pov

After school I texted Stella saying I had to finish basketball practice she said she would watch and wait until I was done. I texted back saying ok so I waited for her and we walked to the gym as I went into the boy's locker room and changed I then went back to the gym as we did a few drill's. After about five hours we all called it a day and went back into the locker room and changed back into our normal everyday clothes I grabbed my bag and was about to leave not before being stopped by the school bully. Which I did not care outside he's a dick but inside school he's my personal punching bag since I got chosen to be the captain of the team and he hated me for it even tho the whole team decided it so I just look at him.

Arther: Can I help you Shawn?

Shawn: You think your tuff because you got one of the popular girls is with you and because your the team captain.

Arther: Ok one I don't think I'm like top dog if that's what your impaling two when you talk about Stella use her name you brain dead shit head. Three if you try something on her even if it's small like laying a finger on her I will make your life a living hell but you know about small don't you.

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