I'm sorry Master

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Ahsoka stood in front of the Jedi Council as they all surrounded her with grave, apologetic looks on their faces. 
"We see now that this was, in fact, your great trial." Master Windu says. Ahsoka cringes at his excuse.
"Sorry, we are. Blinded by the dark side, we were. To the order, you are welcome" Yoda inputs with his usual, gentle smile. Ahsoka raises her eyebrows sympathetically. 
"They want you back Ahsoka!" Anakin holds out his hand revealing Ahsoka's padawan braid with a hopeful smile on his face. She moves her eyes to her master, giving him a regretful look as she raises her hands and clasps his to a close. 
"I'm sorry Master, but I'm not coming back" She shakes her head and drops her arms as she turns around walking out of the council chamber feeling the sadness emanate from the room behind her. Tears well up in her eyes as she keeps her head down and keeps walking. 

"Ahsoka!" She hears Anakin call as she reaches the bottom of the Jedi Temple steps, she tries to ignore him. "Ahsoka!" He continues to call out. With each step she takes she feels the pain of leaving him behind grow. "Ahsoka stop!" Ahsoka finally stops as she hears his footsteps grow louder behind her. 
"Anakin-" She starts. 
"No. I- don't leave Ahsoka" He pleads. Ahsoka's face falls sadder at his words. 
"I can't stay here anymore" Ahsoka starts, "At the first accusation they were so quick to turn on me -"
"I didn't" Anakin steps forward pointing towards his chest, "I believed you!" 
"I know you did Anakin" A tear gentle caresses her cheek. 
"So stay!" A lump forms in his throat. Ahsoka sighs and places hand on his upper arm. 
"You know just as much as I do why I can't" She smiles sympathetically at him. Anakin looks down knowingly. "You can come with me you know?" She lightly chuckles. 
"You know I can't" he pulls away. 
"And why is that?" Ahsoka asks. 
"I-" Anakin pauses. 
"They don't treat you fairly either Anakin," Ahsoka takes a step forward this time, "You should be a master by now" Anakin half winces. "And you know that yourself" Ahsoka almost laughs under her breath, "Also, I'm not stupid" Anakin looks up at her forming a quizzical look. "I know you and Senator Amidala have something going on" She raises a brow amused. 
"Wha-" Anakin starts. 
"You are useless at hiding your emotions you know?" Ahsoka chuckles. 
"Yeah" He half laughs scratching the back of his head. 
"Nothing will be holding your relationship back" Ahsoka looks Anakin in the eyes, "Come with me" She almost pleads. Anakin looks back up at the temple. 
"But my men are counting on me Ahsoka" 
"Bring them with you, it can give them a chance at a proper life" 
"They want to fight" He turns back to her. 
"Then we will still fight" She says reassuringly, "It will be like fighting in this war except we can pick and choose our battles" Anakin nods. 
"Okay" Ahsoka smiles, "You know what, I don't think I actually expected you to say yes" she laughs but more out of relief than anything else. Anakin chuckles. 
"So you don't want me to join you?" Anakin raises a brow. 
"I couldn't think of a better person to leave with" She smiles. 
"So what do we do now?" Anakin asks. 
"I'm not really sure, I didn't know where I was going myself" Ahsoka furrows her brow. "How about you find Rex and your battalion, let them know. I'll meet you .. " Ahsoka instructs. 
"Go to Padme's, she's currently in Coruscant, I'll comm her and let her know" Anakin states. 
"Okay" Ahsoka nods. Anakin turns around and starts running up the temple steps. 
"Anakin" Ahsoka calls out, Anakin stops mid step and turns to her, "Good luck" She smiles. He just stands there and smiles back at her with a small nod. He turns back around continues his journey up the stairs. 


Ahsoka knocks on Padme's door which is quickly opened by Captain Typho. Padme immediately stands up from her sofa and dashes over to Ahsoka. 
"Oh Ahsoka!" She opens her arms to the young girl, "Anakin told me everything!" She pulls her in for a tight hug which Ahsoka welcomes gratefully. "How are you feeling?" Padme pulls away keeping her hands on Ahsoka's shoulder. Such a gentle touch that Ahsoka was very fond of. 
"I'm okay Senator" Ahsoka smiles wryly. 
"Please, call me Padme" Padme leads Ahsoka into her quarters guiding her to the seated area, "Din, please bring Ahsoka some water" Padme looks to a young man. 
"Yes Senator" he replies as he disappears to what seem to be the kitchen with haste. 
"Ahsoka, I'm by no means surprised by your decision after what happened, but are you sure this is the decision you want to make?" Padme sits down gracefully. Ahsoka nods as she also takes a seat. A glass of water is handed to her in which Ahsoka looks up at the boy as smiles. 
"Thank you" she replies quietly. 
"I'm sure Padme," Ahsoka sips her water, "They were my family and yet at the first accusation made against me, they were so quick to eliminate me from the order" Ahsoka's eyes fall sad.
"I thought they would have at least had more trust in me" Padme looks over feeling the sadness of the young girl, she moves closer to her and places a gentle hand on hers. 
"You are so brave Ahsoka" She assures, "It takes a lot to stand against something as big as the Jedi Order" Ahsoka nods. 
"Will Anakin be arriving soon?" Ahsoka asks.
"He said he shouldn't be too much longer last time we spoke. For now let me take you to the room you will be sleeping in tonight" Padme smiles as she stands. Ahsoka follows. The two of them walk towards the right side of the room, "That one is my room where me and Anakin will be," Ahsoka looks at her and smirks raising a brow, "Oh stop it Ahsoka" Padme playfully bumps her shoulder into Ahsoka's as they both giggle, "This room here is yours, so you are right next door if you need anything. The fresher is just across next to the kitchen. Help yourself to absolutely anything" Padme smiles as she opens the door to Ahsoka's room. Ahsoka steps in looking around in complete awe. It looked like a mansion, large windows, intricately decorated pillars with a small double bed in the middle. A couple of chest of drawers and wardrobes occupied the right side of the wall whilst the entire back wall is full of windows and a door that leads to a balcony overlooking Coruscant. 
"Wow Padme, this is too much" Ahsoka's mouth is gaped open as she steps inside. 
"You can put your clothes and belongings in the wardrobes and chests." Padme looks at her. Ahsoka's face drops. 
"I-er don't have any clothes" For some reason Ahsoka feels embarrassed, "I left everything at the temple" 
"Oh I see, don't worry Ahsoka, I can lend you some of mine for the time-being" Ahsoka smiles gratefully. 
"Thank you Padme" 
"It's okay, It's an excuse to go shopping" Ahsoka chuckles. 
"I need to get a job and find a way to get some credits" Ahsoka walks towards the chest of drawers, delicately moving her hand across the top. 
"Don't worry about that for now, we will tackle that when it comes to it" Padme reassures her. 
"Are there things you need Ahsoka? I can get them for you now" Ahsoka pauses and looks at Padme half panicked. 
"I cannot ask you to do that" Ahsoka looks at her uncomfortably. 
"Good thing you aren't asking" Padme smiles. Ahsoka half laughs and stands in silence. 
"Toothbrush? Soap? Do you need some products?" Padme stands patiently. Ahsoka stares at her lovingly, she has always been like a sister but to take her in and do this for her is kindness Ahsoka hasn't known since Master Plo brought her to the temple. Suddenly Ahsoka felt a knew sense of sadness as she remembers Master Plo and tears well up in her eyes again. 
"Oh Ahsoka!" Padme walks over and insists on Ahsoka sitting beside her on the bed 
"Sorry" Ahsoka mumbles as she rubs the back of her wrist against her nose. 
"Don't be sorry! It's a lot to comprehend" Padme rests her hand on Ahsoka's shoulder.  "You are healing Ahsoka, take your time" Ahsoka could never truly express the gratitude she has for Padme. "Do you want me to get these things for you Ahsoka?" Padme gives Ahsoka a soft smile. 
Ahsoka nods as she sniffs, "Yes please" She replies with a weak laugh. 
"Right, I'll just contact Anakin and see if he can pick these up for you whilst you get acquainted with your new room" Ahsoka internally cringes at the thought of Anakin picking up products for her but is too tired to protest and instead just nods. 
Padme leaves the room shutting the door behind leaving Ahsoka is silence. She just sits there for a few moments as she takes in what just happened before moving back onto her bed. She hugs her knees burying her head as she starts to lightly sob. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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