Chapter 1 first day

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Alex POV
I slowly walks into the Arsenal building wearing my training top ready to sign I 3 year contract with the football super team. It takes me back to when I was a kid.I grew up In a small town in NSW Australia about 6 hours from the closest city, when I was about 16 I moved to Brisbane after I got a surprise offer to join the Brisbane Roar Academy. They where supper supportive and gave me accommodation and payed me ECT. I was in home school and so I was determined to train more then ever.I was still in contact with my family I only had 3 living relative my mum, dad and brother. The rest of my family has passed before that point in time. About 2 months into my start at Brisbane Roar my family got into a terrible accident which killed them all , leaving me an orphan in a city in a different state. Because I was 16 Brisbane Roar management could act as temporary guardians. No one knew about my family and just thought I never brought it up.I had always loved the soccer team Arsenal and it was a childhood dream to play with them or against them. I always wanted to live in England so when I an 3 year contract for Everton my 2nd favourite team I just couldn't say no. I have represented Australia a few times with the Matilda's and have become a household name abound the world but often in Australia and England. They 3 years at Everton where some of the best I've had but it just didn't feel like home. No surprise when my favourite team in the world offered me a  transfer I would be insane to turn it down. I feel more confident there as I have 3 other Aussies on the team. Steph , Cait and Kyra.whilst playing Arsenal and England I have noticed the English captain Leah Williamson. I don't know why but just when she shakes my hand or speaks to me at the start/end or during the game it just makes my checks go slightly red and a fluttering feeling in my stomach. She is the definition of celebrity crush but because of who I am I can't mention it to anyone. Caitlin one of my best friends never lets me live it down. Mackenzie and Lani don't ether we are a weird group. Goalkeeper, defender, midfielder and striker all positions on the field. Just speaking to miss Williamson makes me anxious so it's going to be a long 3 years if I don't get over my feelings quick. I don't know if she even knows I exist well she probably forgot. I've been told I have to move in with one of my teammates so I hope I get along with them or get one of my one knows I'm signing just one of my mates from Everton. It's going to be a surprise to everyone I hope my fellow Tilly's like it.

Which leads me to this current point I stand in front of a meeting room. I have already been informed that I am the only signing and due to my request only my management, Jonas and people I chose to tell know about my move it's completely out of the public eye. I take a breath breath anxiety hitting me like a brick but this is my dream and I'm not turning back now I recon I will retire at this club if I can.I take another breath before entering to see cameras and Jonas sitting opposite with a contract in hand. I walk in and shake his hand. We quickly discus the contract and everything else I finally sign  the contract and I hold up my New Jersey with the number 18 with my name on the back, proudly as the camera takes photos.after the cameras turn off I turn at Jonas smiling ear to ear "it's been my dream to play here since before I can remember, I can't believe I'm here it's literally a dream come true" I think to my self 1 of 2 life long dreams now complete. Jonas smile "Alex you better believe it, your a gunner now welcome to the family" I smile and give him a quick hug. The thought of having a family or being involved with a team as more then a player made my heart melt I haven't had family for a decade. No one knows not even Cait, Mack, Lani and Steph know. I just enjoy the moment. Jonas looks at me "Alex this is a big move do you want some time to call your family" I feel like I can trust Jonas but I won't tell him everything I just slowly shake my head no. He looks confused "why not?" I sigh "I don't have family they have all passed but I like to think they are proud looking down on me right now. Every goal I score is for them. They always knew how much I loved this club. I hope I can continue to make them proud here"  he immediately looked apologetics and is very apologetic. We just talk for a while then he stands up and said he's going to take me on the tour and then introduce me to the girls last.I giggle to my self remembering they have no clue they have a new singing.

Jonas leaves me in the cafeteria as he told me to wait as he runs off the the training ground to tell the team training finishes early but once they are done meet in the locker room he has a surprise. He has given them half an hour. Jonas quickly returns and I have already seen the locker room so he takes me back to the meeting room so the girls can do there thing and I wanted to meet the staff while I wait. They are all lovely and I get along well with Jae she works in the social media department of Arsenal management. She tells me she's running my media day later. I just laugh and talk the the next 20 minutes until Jonas stands up and waves me to follow him. It's time. I say bye to Jae as Jonas and I walk towards the change room I start to feel anxious what if the don't like me? What if they think I weird? What if they hope it's someone else? Is if Jonas could read my face he put his hand on my shoulder "don't worry you will be fine, they will love you " I smile and mutter a quick thank you we get to the change room door and we can hear lots of talking inside. I take a breath, Jonas knocks on the door and Yells "Are you all decent?" There is a wave you yes' and yep.  Jonas steps in leaving me out side I know he will give them a quick brief then introduce me. I hear him start as the girls stop talking. " ok ladies your probably wondering why I have called a team meeting and I have an answer. We have a new signing and we wanted to surprise you" you hear talking begin and Jonas being bombarded with questions he chuckled to him self and says "I don't have the answers to all that so why don't you ask her your self" I can hear a few squeals and Jonas opens the door as I slowly step I'm smile on my face.

The Look on Caitlin face made it all worth it as she got up as I started talking "hi I'm Alex Graye I'm Australian and oof-" I get cut of my Caitlin running and tackles me into a hug. I have a big goofy grin on my face as she lets go "You never told me you where coming , this is the best day ever. This is literally your life long dream, omg I can't believe you here give me another hug" I hug her again "surprise~" she laughs and lets go as the to other Aussies walk over and hug me. I laugh "Soon the Aussies will be running Arsenal" we all laugh even the others laugh. They go sit down as I answer questions people take turns at introducing them selfs to me as I catch up with the Arsenal Matilda's. All the girls in the room but one has introduces them self to me but one, Miss Leah Williamson. Just as I think that she walks with those piercing blue eyes on me and over and holds out her hand for me to shake "Hi I'm Leah it's nice to have you on the team , I've seen you play for Australia and Everton and I think we are lucky to have you here.  You seem like a lovely girl and a valuable asset to the team. Welcome" I feel my checks burn slightly but ignore it as I smile and hake her hand "thank you so much as Cait said it's been a life long dream and I still can't believe I'm here" I can't help but think oh my good her hands are so soft wait her hand? I let go of her hand. Leah smiles at me she looks beautiful"best start believing it Graye your stuck with us now as I said welcome to Gunners" I smile and I look in her eyes and they look gorgeous. She is looking in my eyes Her smile still soft. "Thank you Leah" she stares at me a little longer before Caitlin drags me back to our previous conversation. I feel my heart beating a it faster and I feel like internally scram leah Williamson knows who I am. I light pink still covers my cheeks. Leah Williamson knows who I am.

Creator note
1649 words! I hope you enjoy reading so far , this is my first witting a task like this. Have a fantastic day

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