A goodbye kiss

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Abby.- so shall we kiss? I said, something that a month earlier, I denied, letting him believe that Haitians do not kiss in public. He was rather reluctant for the first time. yet he was the one who always proposed it God!!! , I got used to drinking from his lips so much that his saliva became mine. I was not able to distinguish them at any time during the stay. At that moment, he kindly let me kiss him like a little kid being said goodbye to in front of an amusement park. immediately after this short decline of 2 embarrassing minutes which spoiled my reputation and without forgetting the inquisitive looks, it was over. God knows I only saw the two of us at the airport, ignoring the fact that there were at least fifty humans waiting in line. I let him go with a wave of my hand and told him to call me, again with that gesture you see in American films. but of course he did it all the time for a month before we knew each other. Call me.
Michel Jargon.- hello my dear, do you know who it is?

And me with my stupid face pretending not to know. He on the other end was shaking like a leaf... that attracted me to him. I played with him, it amused me... the kind of thing women say. if it makes us laugh, our whole being is devoted forever. If he's not afraid of ridicule, he's the right one. Getting back on the bus, the driver who was impatiently waiting for me looked at me with an inquisitive eye. I thought he was going to give me a lecture, the kind that Haitians do if you are accompanied by a "white" still in this country allowing yourself to be seen with a white person is an abominable act... for a certain reason which I didn't understand at the time. The driver looked at me in the rearview mirror and whispered: Driver: who was it?

Abby.- my boyfriend I said proudly.

I knew I was lying, but I said it for the same reason mentioned above. I knew he could call me names. He finally smiled and told me.

Driver: he will come back.

Something I didn't answer, because I didn't know anymore... it only took a second to feel that the distance was close, yet I looked in the front window of the car and Michel was still in the queue.
Driver: Next time he comes back, if he can't take you with him legally, he will hide you in his suitcase.
I just smiled, the driver didn't seem to be laughing. He said it with good heart.

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