Chapter Fourteen: Help

Start from the beginning

"Who?" Ahsoka asks, turning to face Nya.

The Mandalorian woman's lips turn up in a smirk as she says, "Who else? Anakin Skywalker and, perhaps, Master Plo-Koon."

"You want to ask Jetiise?" Fenn asks.

Nya looks him right in the eye. "Elek, I do. Anakin... he isn't a regular Jedi. Before I left the Order, he was like my ori'vod. And he thought of Ahsoka as his sister too. He also cares, a lot, for the galaxy as a whole. He... he..."

"He is unlike any other Jedi," Ahsoka finishes for Nya.

Nya nods her agreement to Ahsoka's words. While the thoughts of someone else begin to fill her mind. Thoughts of the clone commander she still holds in her heart. As happy as it makes Nya to be with her mother and her family, she misses Wolffe perhaps more than anyone else she had to leave behind.

"And you think Plo and Anakin would help us?" Bo asks her daughter, snapping the young woman out of her thoughts.

Nya nods. "Elek. I think they would."

"Then find out where one of them is, and contact him," Bo tells her daughter. "You two will make contact if you can and ask for help. Go to them if you need too. I have to stay here to start coordinating our troops in case they won't help. We cannot let this opportunity pass us by."

Ahsoka and Nya both look at each other. Ahsoka gives Nya a small nod. Telling the Mandalorian woman that she'll help. Then she verbalizes what she said to Nya in silence.

"I'll help either way. But Nya's right, one of them, at least, will help us."

Now that permission has been granted to Ahsoka and Nya, they run back to the intel team's tent. Where they place a holocall to the bridge of The Resolute, Anakin's flagship. Although, they don't use the frequency that is used by the Nite Owls to contact other people, they use a frequency that Ahsoka was given. The subspace frequency named Fulcrum, previously used by the rebel leader on Onderon, Saw Gerrera.

The holocall loads for a while, but soon, it is answered. And who answers it, is none other than the Admirals of the 501st Legion, as well as the 104th Battalion. Admiral Wullf Yularen and Admiral Barton Coburn.

Despite the Admirals' heavy military training, even the two of them cannot stop the slight expressions of shock that slides over their faces when the two men see Ahsoka and Nya. Both Admiral Yularen and Admiral Coburn, like many in the 104th, 501st, and 212th, believed that the two young women would never be seen again by the Republic after they left the Jedi.

The Admirals do manage to regain their composure, and Admiral Coburn asks,

"General, what can we do for you?"

Nya and Ahsoka look at each other. In the end, Nya is the one who speaks.

"We need your help, Admiral. Are Anakin and Master Plo there?"

Admiral Yularen speaks up. "They are down on the planet Yerbana currently, along with General Kenobi."

The two former Jedi nod, and Ahsoka speaks up this time.

"Could you have them brought up to the ship? Nya and I need to speak to them, it's urgent."

The two Admirals nod, and walk over to another comm station. Where they inform the three Jedi Generals that there is a message for them, and it is being transmitted using the Fulcrum frequency. When Anakin and Obi-Wan assume that it is Saw Gerrera, Admiral Yularen only tells them that they need to get up to the ship since it would be better if they took the message themselves.

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