Chapter Fourteen: Help

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A/N: I know I've already used the song, but I can't think of a better song to go along with this chapter. The next chapter will also reuse a song. And sorry I haven't updated in forever. Writer's block is brutal!

It has been a few months since Ahsoka Tano joined Bo-Katan and the other Mandalorians that form the group known as the Nite Owls. In those months, she and Nya have worked to locate Maul, which has been mostly unsuccessful. But they finally have a lead. The intel team has gathered evidence that Maul is inside the capital city of Sundari. Now, they just need to break the news.

Nya and Ahsoka run from the tent where the intel team spends most of their time out into the rain and toward the tent where the clan leaders spend most of their time. The two former Jedi burst into the tent barely even wet. The clan leaders turn to face the two young women and Bo says,

"What is it?"

Nya's determined grin tells them that it is good news, but the next words out of her mouth surprise everyone.

"We found Maul. He's in Sundari right now."

Dola Fett steps forward. "You found him? How?"

Nya and Ahsoka look at each other. And Ahsoka takes up the explanation.

"We knew he was on Mandalore because Nya and I could both sense him. But we finally got some footage of him in Sundari. And it's dated to today."

The faces of all of the clan leaders break out into determined smiles. Before Fenn Rau points something out.

"We do not have the numbers for a siege. And that is, I believe, the only thing that will ensure we are victorious. The only other option is a direct assault. Which we also do not have the numbers for."

"Fenn Rau is right," Ursa says, a grim expression taking over her face. "We do not have the numbers to take back Mandalore."

Nya nods, and tilts her head down. Trying to think of something. And then the conversation she had with Obi-Wan, as he was fleeing the planet, comes to mind.

"Go back to the Republic and tell them what has happened."

"Are you not coming?"

"My people are not free. And until they are, I cannot return. Now go!"

"That would likely lead to a Republic invasion of Mandalore."

"Yes, and Maul will die. But Mandalore will survive. We always survive."

Nya looks up and into her mother's eyes. The blue meet green and are full of determined fire. Nya then meets the eyes of all of the other clan leaders. Her expression is grave, but it is full of determination. And when she speaks, her voice holds the same weight as her expression.

"The Republic. They have the numbers for a siege. And if we contact the right people, they'll do it too."

"What?" nearly all of the clan leaders ask.

Jaro Skirata says, "The Republic Senate has never helped us. What makes you think they would now?"

"Oh, I never said that the Senate would help us. I just said that the Republic would help us. Especially if it's Ahsoka or I who asks. There are a few people who serve in the GAR that would help us. Even against the Senate's and the Chancellor's wishes."

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