Chapter Eight: Parents

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It has now been a year since the Clone Wars began, and the 104th, along with the 501st, and their Jedi are on their way to the peaceful planet of Alderaan. They are not going to fight a battle, no, instead they are going to Alderaan on a relief mission. Many refugees from other planets that were razed by the Separatists have fled to Alderaan.

While Plo and Anakin direct their respective bridges, Nya and Ahsoka work to direct the clones in the hangars of both The Cuyan and The Resolute respectively. They pack up the relief supplies into boxes and load them on to LAAT/is. As these people left everything behind, these are the first supplies that have been provided to them in mass quantity. There is a multitude of food, for both adults and infants, cooking utensils, medical supplies, clothing and shoes, personal hygiene items, and school supplies.

Once the fleets of the 104th and 501st exit hyperspace, the Jedi Generals of both legions make their way to their respective hangar bay. Where they are greeted by their padawan.

Both pairs of Jedi first oversee the launching of the first LAAT/is loaded with supplies, before flying down to Alderaan themselves. When they land, the two pairs of Jedi meet up to discuss who will stay at the staging area. The first to volunteer is Nya. And so it is agreed among the Jedi that she will stay to oversee everything.

Anakin, Ahsoka, and Plo-Koon though, they leave with the Alpha companies of the 104th and 501st, Torrent and the Wolfpack, to go to the refugee camp. While walking, Ahsoka asks Anakin,

"Why do you think Nya wanted to stay behind?"

Anakin shrugs. "I'm not sure, Snips. But after everything's been gotten off of the ship, we'll go back and get her. That way she can come and help."

"Okay, Skyguy."

It isn't long before the group makes it over the hill to where they can see the refugee camp. And after they make it down the hill, they begin to hand out supplies.

"Thank you!"

"Bless you all!"

"Oh, thank you, thank you!"

All any of the clones or Jedi respond with is a smile, and a nod. Or on occasion, a short comment about how they are only doing their part. But it doesn't take long for the last shipment of food to arrive in the village. That is when Anakin and Wolffe decide to go back to the staging area to get Nya.


In the staging area, however, Nya is finishing up with her tasks when a couple approaches her. An older man and woman, that are dressed rather nicely for refugees.

Through the Force Nya senses their approach and so stands straight when the two get close. The Mandalorian brushes a few shorter pieces of hair out of her face as she asks,

"Can I help you?"

"Perhaps," the man says. "We wanted to speak to you. You see, we lost our daughter many years ago, and you look like she might have."

"Oh. I'm sorry for your loss. What was your daughter's name?"

"Rosalia," the woman tells, her a wistful look on her face. When she speaks next, the woman's voice takes on an almost mournful tone. "It means beautiful rose. What's your name?"

Although, to an outsider, something might seem off about the look on the faces of the couple. Just as if, perhaps, something maybe wasn't right. Just as with the woman's voice. Just as though something were off about it. Not necessarily dangerous or evil, just a little concerning.

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