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After all the events that took place until this point, there was still no sign of getting closer to whoever was behind the reappearance of Bulgarin.

For all that he knew to this point, Niko could very well think that he was chasing an actual ghost and he'd probably be right.

Niko was trying everything. He was close to moving heaven and earth to get to the endgame.

After coming back he rounded up everyone that still remembered him and that wanted to help him.

By creating a new organization, a bigger and better one, many of his friends got the chance to kick back after they spent years and years fighting for scraps.

The new connections that came to fruition really helped everyone.

But even so, Niko had everything he needed to keep all those who messed with him in line... the problem was that some of them had nothing to show.

Niko lost his patience after some time and decided to take off his gloves.

It's been more than a month since Niko got Luis to be in his pocket and Luis fed him only bullshit information that turned out to be just some shallow whispers in the wind.

For quite some time, Luis managed to keep things under his control, so he wasn't concerned with Niko being a real threat to him.

One night things turned a little.

Out of nowhere, a group of government agents came by the club. It was a surprise for everyone and also a reason for concern since no one explained clearly what the hell was this about.

The agents kept sweeping the club from top to bottom multiple times, which messed up everything for Luis and Tony because that meant the club had to be kept shut until the agents left.

In the end, they did, but they delayed the opening of the club for that night, which made a lot of people lose their patience and just go elsewhere.

Plus, a bunch of black vehicles owned by the government surrounding the club gave the wrong vibes to a lot of people and brought a lot of bad publicity to the club and the entire business owned by Luis and Tony.

As the dawns were about to crack, Luis was all alone in the loading area, sitting in a chair, a bottle of whiskey to one side, and a glass to the other, all while watching the empty alley behind the club through the open loading dock door.

His state of tranquility, if it can be called that, was all of a sudden interrupted.

Upon hearing footsteps behind him, Luis said...

Luis Lopez: I don't want to be bothered at all. Don't care and don't wanna know what is it, so just fuck of.

Niko Bellic: I'll have to disappoint.

Luis Lopez: It's you...

Niko Bellic: Don't sound so enthusiastic my little snitch bitch.

Luis basically jumped from the chair.

Luis Lopez: What the fuck did you just call me?'

Niko Bellic: Oh, even more enthusiastic I see. Be careful, it might burst.

Niko Bellic: I imagined you would be jumpy, after all, I didn't push the idea too hard.

Luis Lopez: What the fuck do you want, 'cus now ain't the time.

Niko Bellic: Oh it is my snitch bitch, believe me.

Niko Bellic: I know why you're here, but don't worry, I got you something to cheer you up, I knew you wouldn't be in a great mood.

COUSIN BELLIC: A Grand Theft Auto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now