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In the last few days, so many things have moved forward.

Now, with some help from Packie, Dwayne's boys and the Yardies were packing a very serious arsenal. They were ready for everything and they also had some inside knowledge as little as it was about the Eastern European gangs controlling the illegal side of the business in Liberty City, especially in Dukes.

After Niko got a very important piece of information from Packie, he got straight to business.

He found the place that Karen was using to keep a close eye on her little squad of pets and with the key from Packie he went right in with no trouble and made himself feel like home.

He knew that this would set some things off and he was right, it didn't take too long and just a little over ten minutes he heard footsteps behind him and a voice.

Karen Daniels: Hands up! No sudden moves! Get up off the couch and slowly turn towards me!

Niko complied with every instruction, and right when he turned a big smile invaded his face after he saw the expression Karen made.

Karen Daniels: What the fuck is going on? What the fuck are you doing here? How... hoe the fuckin' hell did you get in?

Niko Bellic: You're a bit tense, aren't you?

Karen Daniels: You shut the fuck up with the jokes and tell what the shit are you doing here?

Niko Bellic: Just wanna talk but I don't really feel in the mood with that pointed at my face.

Karen Daniels: You're not on your ground Niko, so spare me with that shit and give me a good reason not to put a few holes in you right now.

Niko Bellic: Well Karen, I can see you didn't miss me, but that's ok. As for the reason why I'm here, I'll tell you if we can discuss this calmly with no guns... maybe you can make me a coffee or something.

Niko Bellic: It's ok if you're not in that mood yourself, but if you want to kick me out or shoot me, whatever floats your boat, you'll just have to deal with all the shit coming your way on your own.

Karen Daniels: What shit? What the fuck are you talking about?

Niko Bellic: Listen... I really just want to talk. I'm not carrying a piece, you can check if you want to. I waited for you to get here so the least you could do is listen... you can shoot em after if you feel like it.

Karen Daniels: I know who you are Niko Bellic... and I know what you do. You're right. You didn't come all this way to draw me out and just blow it all up. Tell me what the hell is going on?

Niko Bellic:  Well... my past continues to haunt me. Whatever I do I can't escape.

Niko Bellic: At one point, when I was doing jobs around the city, I was looking to end everything but I didn't. A lot of things changed and I thought if I chose another path maybe things will be ok, or at least some of them.

Niko Bellic: I've been on the run for some time, trying to lay low but I ran into some problems and when I started to sniff around all I could smell was one name... Bulgarin.

Karen's face changed a bit when she heard the name.

Niko Bellic: Since that point, I've been pulling every string I could to find out what was going on.

Niko Bellic: I know you heard the name and have some idea of what happened. Yeah, I know that he's dead... or maybe it's all just a game. Maybe we're talking about his boys caring the legacy further or some heir to the throne.

COUSIN BELLIC: A Grand Theft Auto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now