Aaron couldn't help the tinge of anger in the pit of his stomach. He scoffed loudly, shaking his head. "Are you serious?" he muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," Damon said slowly, narrowing his almond-shaped eyes at Aaron who looked increasingly annoyed.

Of course Aaron was angry. Josh had seen his text but refused to text back? Instead, he sends his best friend to come and see him. How pathetic. How annoying. This was the second time Damon had come to see Aaron saying that same line and he wondered why. Why was Josh still forcing him to come and see how he was? Josh didn't care. If he did, he would be here himself.

Aaron knew that he and Damon had never been particularly close and this sudden concern seemed out of character. Damon was wearing tight fitted black jeans and a dark navy hoodie, the hood pulled over his hair to shelter him from the cold. Aaron doesn't think he's ever seen Damon without the hood up.

"Is this going to become a weekly drop-in to make sure I'm not like, falling apart or something?" Aaron asked, his tone guarded.

Damon shifted on his feet, trying to play it cool. "Well, I mean, only if you want it to. I don't want to intrude. I'm just doing what i've been told," he said, his eyes avoiding Aaron's.

Surprisingly, Aaron felt a strange sense of loneliness and welcomed the sudden company, even if it was forced from Josh's best friend. He sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly. The cold air blew into the house and Aaron shivered slightly. "You know, you don't have to keep doing this. Josh broke up with me. It's fine."

"He did?" Damon asked in surprise, his eyes finally meeting Aaron's. "Why?"

"You tell me," Aaron replied with a frown.

"How would I know?" Damon asked.

Aaron shrugged. "You're his best friend. I assume he'd tell you everything."

Damon shook his head, shoving his hands into his pocket as he too, shivered at the cold. "He didn't tell me he broke up with you," he said.

"Apparently it's not the end. It's just a break." Aaron grumbled, more to himself than to Damon. The smaller boy nodded silently, a look of confusion on his face. Aaron sighed softly and pursed his lips. "Anyway, it's fine. I'm fine."

Damon watched him carefully. "You don't look fine," he muttered, his eyebrows furrowed.

Aaron hesitated. Then, he cleared his throat uncomfortably. He had never really spoken to Damon before about anything other than Josh and this was starting to become a little weird for him. "I'll be fine eventually. I'll get over the fact that my boyfriend practically dumped me through a dumb letter."

Damon didn't reply.

The pair were quiet. Neither knew what else to say. Aaron felt lonely and Damon felt sympathetic towards the older and taller boy. He didn't know that Josh had broken up with him. He was just following his best friend's instructions, making sure the boy in front of him was dealing with the aftermath of his departure. At first, Damon hated the idea of having to do this. It wasn't his job to deal with the mess that Josh left behind but then Damon realised that it wouldn't be so bad. It would give him something to do and maybe he could make a new friend in the process. Josh always spoke so highly of Aaron and he knew that Aaron was harmless so maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to go through with this whole thing. As long as all their cards were on the table.

"I'm halfway through a movie. Come in," Aaron suddenly said, gesturing for Damon to enter the house when neither of them said anything for a few moments.

Damon looked very surprised by the sudden invitation but after wrestling with his thoughts and sensing that the house was quiet today (unlike last time) he eventually agreed with a small smile. "Sure," he replied.

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