"This year,"

Please don't say your name.

"I have the privilege to bestow,"

Please don't say your name.

"Our highest Grom honour to..."

Please don't say your name.

Time felt like it was melting away, like there were years before the Principal said those last two words.

Oh Titan, this was murder.

You could feel your heart racing already.

"Amity Blight."

You nearly threw up.

The Atrium, the largest part of the school went silent.

Amity turned even paler than she was before.

Luz unfittingly cheered, before Amity ran away into a classroom to avoid the attention.

They didn't pick you.

The relief was massive, suddenly a weight you didn't realise you had wasn't sitting on your shoulders anymore.

But you still felt bad.
Amity was going to have to fight Grometheus. 

But, at least, you weren't.


That thought was what lead you to feeling so sick on the Airship.

That and the fact that Amity wasn't coming with you to the Palace today. 

She needed to train. Train or find a replacement at the last minute for the hardest job of the season at Hexside.

You wondered what you were going to end up doing. Neither Darius or Hunter had said anything.

Maybe you were clear for the time being.
But, what if you weren't?

What if this week, you were on your own? Maybe Anrin was still here.

After the incident at the Knee, more of your fellow prodigies had left. There were maybe eight of you still training.
Just under half of the original number.

Surely the Emperor would account for this right? Surely this was the plan?

But if it was, didn't he need more trained guards in the first place?

You stopped thinking about it because it wasn't going anywhere, the ship was already starting to land too.

Steve guided you like normal to the ballroom.
"Where's Amity?"
He asked,

"She's training for Grom, she got selected from Grom royalty."
You answered.

"Titan, that's not good. Wish her all the best for me."

you nodded and stuck to his side. 

The halls were feeling more full. 
The Emperor had been bringing in more talented adult witches for the day of Unity too.

Maybe he realised that witches your age weren't as ready as he wanted them to be.

The Ballroom was practically empty, a harsh contrast to the rooms you were just in.
You were the first witch there actually.

"Fancy seeing you here, Y/N. Why aren't you celebrating Grom tonight?"
Darius asked as he started to walk you away.

"Well, I'm not going with anyone. I wasn't selected as Grom Royalty either. So, there's not really any reason for me to be there."
Which, to you, felt like a sensible answer.

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