"CHIDORI!" yelled Kakashi plunging his lightning covered fist into Naruto's good side with the impact freeing Sasuke from his grasp sending the Uchiha flying several feet back onto rock hard ground.

"K-Kakashi-s-sensei?! W-Why?" said Naruto after Kakashi pulled his bloodied hand out wondering why his Jounin teacher had attacked just after all that had happened with him and Sasuke.

"Why? Why not? Listen to me Naru...no I'm not going to continue this charade with you anymore Kyuubi. I'm tired of you keeping Sasuke down. You are the reason Sasuke does not get the recognition he deserves. You are the reason Sasuke sees himself so inferior to his older brother and can't reach the next level of Sharingan. When I kill you and Sasuke wakes up I'll simply tell him I saw him kill you, thus giving Sasuke the ultimate form of his Sharingan," said Kakashi looking at Sasuke's unconscious form before scowling back down at Naruto.

"Y-You would k-kill me just f-for S-Sasuke? W-What about w-what you s-said at the M-Memorial S-Stone?" said Naruto the life slowly fading from his eyes as he tried to hang on.

"What I said doesn't apply to you since you are a demon. Demons do not get the honor of being on that memorial stone and the only thing you are going to get is a party in honor of your death when I report back to Tsunade-sama of your untimely death at the hands of a Curse Seal influenced Uchiha Sasuke. Naturally I will be the necessary witness to the end of your concluded fight and how before Sasuke passed out he came to his senses and in front of me in your name pledged his allegiance to Kohona once more," said Kakashi with a small sadistic grin on his face though it couldn't be seen by the mask on his face.

"You t-teme loving b-bastard! I-I hope w-when you d-die you g-go straight t-to hell. W-When y-you do I'll b-be w-waiting for you a-along with K-Kyuubi to t-tear y-you, S-Sasuke, and every o-other piece o-of shit t-that f-follows you a-a new a-asshole the s-size of this v-valley," said Naruto spitting some blood on Kakashi's sandals making the white haired Jounin scowl even more at the boy.

In response to Naruto's spitting blood Kakashi hit Naruto hard with a power kick to the ribs breaking several of them as the boy crashed into a rocky wall breaking his back in the process. "'Earth Style: Rock Slide Jutsu!'" said Kakashi moving to the wall and put his hand on the final sign and put his hand on the rocky side of the valley no less then 15 feet away from Naruto fallen form.

The rock along the wall of the valley shook and collapsed falling towards Naruto in the form of soft earth and hard rock. If later looked upon, it would seem like it had simply been made from the two boys's fighting each other with their own respectable skills and abilities.

What Tsunade didn't know wouldn't hurt her in Kakashi's mind.

'This can't be happening! What about my promise to Sakura-chan? I can't die. I need to fulfill my dream in being Hokage and surpass all others. And in order to do that I NEED TO LIVE! I NEED TO GET STRONGER! I MUST GET STRONGER!' thought Naruto trying to move only for the last of the rock slide to cover him in rock and dirt.

What Naruto didn't know was that someone had heard his mental cries.

With his task done Kakashi walked away from the falling earth not caring to look back as he picked up Sasuke and headed for Kohona to bring back the news that everyone was no doubt waiting to hear.

It was around that time that it started to rain

'Almost everyone, but I think they will get over it and quickly move on. After all when the Council revokes the Third's Law when they hear the Kyuubi is dead they'll forget about the demon easily,' thought Kakashi nodding mentally to himself at the logic of his thoughts as he headed home.

Rise Of Lord of Foxesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें