We're Camping

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"Well, isn't that a view?" A disturbingly familiar voice called out.
At first, I contemplated ignoring him, but I had a sinking feeling that Merle wasn't particularly the type to keep walking.
Gritting my teeth tightly, I clenched my fists.
Tossing the tent poles I'd been putting together, I turned around to look at him with my arms crossed over my chest.
"I'll pretend you're talking about the sunset," I glanced behind me where the sun was setting, hues of red and orange across the skyline.
"You think I give a shit about a sunset? I wanna know how a little thing like you is still alive out here. " Merle smirked, taking a few steps closer to me.
Raising an eyebrow at me, I pulled my pocket knife out and twirled it around my fingers.
"I'm still alive because I'm smart enough not to run my mouth like you. Guys, like you get everyone around them killed, " I sighed.
"My mouth does a lot more than run," he grinned, sending me a disgusting smirk.
"You always been this disgusting, or is it a quality you've learned in the new world?" I scoffed.

He grinned, flashing his disgusting teeth at me.
"Always this way gorgeous," he smirked.
Rolling my eyes, I
"Then I pity every woman you ever come across," I shot back.
Merle laughed in response.
"Well, if your little girl ever needs a daddy, me and my brother tent is just down there,"
Immediately, the smirk fell from my face, and I clenched my fists.
Just the thought of him near Rose made my stomach twist and turn.
"Dont you talk about her. Ever, " I seethed.
"What ya gonna do, pretty girl -"
Before he could finish his sentence, my fist flew across his face.
With a grunt, he fell on his ass, blood flying from his mouth.
He sat on the ground in shock for a moment, bringing his fingers up to his face to touch the blood dripping from his split lip.
"You caught me off guard," he chuckled, his eyes darkening as he pulled himself to his feet.
Tensing, I stood defensively, taking a step back to create more distance between us.
"Won't make that mistake again," he smirked before quickly lunging towards me angrily.
My eyes widened, not expecting him to get back up right away.
I glared at him hatefully as he grabbed my wrist and yanked me into him, bringing his hand back to smack me.
Without hesitating, I headbutt him, making him let go, and stumble back.
I went to take advantage of his dazed state when something sharp was shoved in front of my eyes.
Raising my eyebrows, I quickly backed up and found that it was the end of a crossbow.
Narrowing my eyes, I followed the arms all the way up to the person holding it.
Holding the crossbow was a taller guy with short brown hair. He was wearing a green sleeveless shirt with a pair of grey pants. Hanging from his shoulder was the bodies of at least half a dozen squirrels.
"Dixon! Drop it!"
Glancing behind him, I saw Shane standing behind him with his hand cautiously on his belt, where his gun sat on his hip.
"Who's dis bitch?" He glared down his crossbow as everyone else quickly rushed towards.
Snapping my head up I scoffed as my eyes met his and returned his dark glare.
"This bitch?"
Shoving his crossbow out of my face, I leaned down and picked my knife that had fallen from my hand when I first punched Merle.
"I'm the bitch that's gonna shove one of your arrows up your ass if you call me a bitch again" I spat back as I stood back up, my hair falling down my back.
Immediately I could tell I had thrown him off as his eyes widened and he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.
Smirking slightly at his loss of words, I rolled my eyes and shoved past him further into the camp.
"If yer name ain't bitch what is it?" He called back carefully.
Still smirking, I kept walking.
"My name is Katrina"
Making my way back to the car, Glenn and I had used to escape Atlanta and grabbed my pack.
I emptied out most of the bandages and food and put them in the RV with the rest of the camps supplies before stepping back out.
"Are you okay?" Lori frowned quickly, following after me.
"I'm fine. Just pissed off, " I shrugged her off.
Turning my head, I saw Glenn rushing towards us.
"What's up?"
"I heard you got in a scuffle with Merle, you good?" He frowned.
I shrugged him off, "Not my first fight with an egotistical man. Certainly not my last"
He chuckled and nodded.
"Yeah, probably not."
"So what's with those two? Brothers or something?" I glanced back at the two men who were still where I was setting my tent up. Now, they were arguing with each other.
"Yeah, came to camp about a week ago. Keep to themselves for the most part. Do their part by hunting and bringing back what they catch, " Glenn exclaimed.
I nodded, acknowledging what he said but still watching the two brothers as Daryl chucked the squirrels at Merle and stomped back off to god knows where.
My eyes followed Daryl, and I couldn't help but feel curious about his relationship with his brother.
"Auntie Kat?"
Jumping slightly, I turned around and saw Rosalie coming out of the RV behind us.

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