The hallways are crowded by the time I enter the school. The bell is about to ring, everyone is hurrying along or simply chilling with their friends. I can distinguish Lily in one of the corners, gossiping with her buddies. We've been here for two weeks now, so it's no surprise to see that she already has a group. She's still a freshman, so she's not old enough to hang out with the super popular kids, but she's clearly weaseling her way to the top.

The bell rings and I go directly to my first class. The room fills quickly, I manage to find a seat at the back. A boisterous laugh sounds at the door, and thus enter the popular kids. I rarely pay attention to them, they tend to draw too much attention I don't need. Luckily, the disinterest is mutual because they've never cared for me before. That is, until today. I lock eyes with one of the jocks, and he doesn't hesitate to send a wink my way. I remain poker-faced. He doesn't seem to mind my lack of response because he goes back to speaking with his friends. Not even a minute after everyone is seated, the teacher enters the room.

While I've always enjoyed researching monsters, school has never been to my liking. It's kind of stupid having to sit through hours of useless information when I could be saving people. Still, I do enough to get passing grades, so my mother doesn't forbid me from going on hunts. We're good as long as I don't skip classes or fail a subject. Or at least, as long as she doesn't know of it. God knows I've done my fair share of solo monster hunting during class schedule. It's easy to miss class when your only parent is MIA half of the time. And even more so when you know how to falsify documents. Let's just say mom didn't design her last FBI badge.

The first period goes by in a cloud of boredom and expectancy. It's not long after that it's time for lunch, my intentions are to stay only until then. I have things more important to do than listen to whatever topic in the history lesson. The place is crowded with hormonal teens and judgmental stares. Everybody is talking about the latest gossip: Homecoming. Boys and girls alike are overly excited about the preparations and the snow Winterland topic. As if all schools in the country don't overuse the theme. The candidacies for queen and king are also widely discussed. There are plenty of favored names that I've heard, but cannot bother to remember right now.

The line in the cafeteria takes forever to move, when it finally does, all the tables are occupied. That leaves me with two options, either I eat in the library like a loser, or I decide to join a group of people. I haven't tried to make friends and that isn't about to change now, but a loser is something that I'm definitely not. Thus, I move to settle in a place near doors to the football field. According to my expertise, that's the best route to sneak out of this hellhole. At the same table where I'm sitting, there's a guy with two girls, one on each side, both giggling dumbly. The boy looks up when I approach, but his companions don't.

"... that's why you need to think very carefully about who you take to prom," one of them is saying. "Right Cassie?"

The other girl promptly speaks, "yes! You wouldn't want to go with just anyone, like those nerds from the drama club, ugh."

I couldn't care less what they're talking about, so I focus on my barely eatable food. Lunch is monotonous, once the bell rings, I drop the remaining food, take my stuff and walk towards the door without looking back. I have a vampire to catch.

The vampire has been a sneaky little creature that flew under my mother's radar. I have to give it to him, if it weren't because he's in my high school, I might have missed him entirely as well. For a newborn, he was clever. So, while my mother was too busy hunting the monster a few towns over, I caught wind of the sporadic disappearances and drunken teens waking up with marks on their necks. I'm not certain he's completely on his own, yet he clearly wants to remain unknown to hunters. He has only taken the lives of those who wouldn't be missed; the homeless, and he feeds on parties while pretending to leave weird hickies to the drugged girls. He also has a tendency for ditching after lunch to make out with random chicks. Is it too much of a cliché that the resident school vampire is one of the bad boys?

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