~Chapter 1~

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Greenleaf has ended, and Leaf-fall has started.

Leaf-fall wasnt the worse seaons but it wasnt the best, especially not for Thunderclan. Leaf-fall was the season where it got colder, but prey is still around so everyone has to hunt while they can to provide enough food for the clan. 

But this season, Thunderclan was blessed with good hunters and rich prey.

The sun had just risen and all the kits in the nursery of Thunderclan were beginning to awaken. It was going to be a long day for the queens of Thunderclan.

"Morning Mama!" mewed Amberkit as she jumped out her and her mothers nest. 

"Morning Sunshine, you seem excited today" purred Cherrytail, and before she could say more her mate entered the den.

"Hey Cherrytail! Hello Amberkit! How are you two?" asked Oneheart, grinning as he saw his daughter jumping towards him. 

"Hey Papa! Im good! Can I pretty please explore camp today? Im old enough!" Amberkit pleaded, bouncing up and down.

"Hold it pouncer" chuckled Oneheart as Amberkit stopped bouncing around "You can go as long as one of the older kits take you", Oneheart motioned towards the other two queen's nest with his tail. As soon as he did Littlekit and Shadowkit ran up to them.

"We can take her! Right mama?" asked Shadowkit, turning to his mother. Dovesport chuckled before answering 

"I dont see why not. Also take Moonkit with you, she wants to go to the medicine cat den" 

"Ok mama! Okay everyone lets go!" mewed Littlekit leading the 3 kits out of the nursery, which left all the other queens and Oneheart to chuckle as they left.

"Well ill get going, I have to assign patrols, see you later love" mewed Oneheart touching noses with her before leaving. 

As Littlekit led the other kits out of the nursery, Amberkit couldnt help but gasp as she saw the whole camp before her. It was so large and everything and everyone felt so tall. Littlekit led everyone to the den across from the nursery, which contained Amberkit grandmother, who was grooming herself.

"Oh hello kits! Here for a story?" asked Boragefur, seeing the kits approach. 

"No thanks Boragefur, we are showing Amberkit Thunderclans camp!" mewed Littlekit excitedly.

"Ah, in thank case, welcome to the Elder's den" mewed Boragefur. "Im Boragefur as you can tell, the dark grey ticked tabby tom over there is Deershell" Boragefur flicked her tail towards the tom, who lifted his head and nodded in hello. "Over there are Heronnight and Needleflame" Boragefur mewed as she turned her head towards the two cats sharing tongues across the den from them. "Well thats everyone! Have a nice day kits!" 

The kits bid farewell to Boragefur before going to another den, which contained a somewhat grumpy medicine cat. 

"Hello Mintfrost!" greeted the kits, entering the den.

"Ah, hello kits. I see your giving Amberkit a tour of camp?" Mintfrost asked, turning his attention to the kits who had just entered.

"Yes, we are!" answered Shadowkit.

"Well Amberkit, welcome to the Medicine Cat Den, this is where i will treat you if you are sick or hurt. But you can still come visit in other times, as long as im not busy" chuckled Mintfrost.

"Well we will be off now! Bye Mintfrost and see you later Moonkit!" Shadowkit mewed as he bid his sister farewell. "Alright, lets go to the next den! Follow me" Shadowkit mewed as he led his brother and Amberkit to the next den. Once they were right in front of the den, Shadowkit stopped. "This is the Warriors den, we arent allowed inside but we will be once we become warriors!" Shadowkit explains. Just as the kits are about to continue to the next area 3 cats emerge from the Warriors den. 

"Ah hello kits! Giving a tour of camp to the little one?" asked golden smoke tom, standing closes to the kits out of all the three cats.

"Hello Hazewish! And yes we are!" turning to Amberkit, Shadowkit mewed "The golden smoke tom is Hazewish, the silver ticked tabby she-cat is Skyspring and the brown and white tom is Acornheart". As Shadowkit turned back around Amberkit looked up at Acornheart, he was a pretty tom, and he looked very strong. As Acornheart looked down at her he gave her a warm smile

"Hello Amberkit, your father has told me much about you" he mewed, smiling.

"Nice to meet you Acornheart!" Amberkit mewed, giving him a smile back. 

"Common Amberkit! We arent done with the tour of camp yet!" called Littlekit, as he and Shadowkit began walking to the next den.

"Im coming! Im coming!" answered Amberkit, running after them.

As Amberkit and the other two warriors left Acornhearts side his smile faded as he continued to gaze at Amberkit.

"Acornheart, stay away from her" 

As Acornheart turned his head around he saw the deputy gaze at him a dark glare

"Why should I? I have every right as everyone does to meet her. She isn't just your property, she is a cat after all" reasoned Acornheart, his hatred for the deputy boiling.

"I know what this is all about Acornheart, its over. Get over it" growled Oneheart before padding away to go arrange patrols. Acornheart turned his gaze back to Amberkit,

"Oh just you wait Oneheart, you'll pay for what you've done, trust me"


Sorry that this chapter was short! I'll to make  the next one will be longer!

The Amber's New Beginning { Warrior Cats AU }Where stories live. Discover now