Chapter 7: Last Hour of Lila Kinetic

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There was a war.

Lila had a war on her hands, leading an army of Lazer Lightzest soldiers into battle against the General's forces. Villain Town had a significant advantage, knowing the ground well enough to come up with strategies to outmanoeuvre Lila and her army.

Lila had only been here for a very short time. Before Lazer died, he told her that there was a secret world that only the users of Lightningdorn knew about and that no one else could know. When she asked about Bombstrike and Eclipse, he said that when the time was right, they would find out.

But on top of the war, and the loss of Lazer Lightzest, Lila had another problem. No matter how wise and all-knowing Lazer seemed, no one could have predicted Crawler's rocket. He had built a base in the spirit world, but it didn't have all of the capabilities of the Sonic Jet. It did have a lot of weapons; however, it didn't have a sufficient power source to charge Lila to her full power.

Lila was a cybernetic humanoid: created by an accident where her consciousness controlling the Sonic Jet had merged with one of the Lazer Lightzest suits. A disadvantage of this was that she relied on a power source to keep her alive: not too different to a computer or phone.

Ever since the death of Lazer Lightzest, she didn't have a chance to charge herself. She had to run on emergency power ever since Bombstrike Boundrise had told her of the incident. Lazer Lightzest was the only one who could make a transition phase between the spirit world and the normal world: meaning that she was stuck here.

She had managed to survive for this long, but she was reaching minimum power: meaning that she would shut down to save power. But without anyone to help her, or anywhere to charge, she would simply run out of power: and she would die.


Rapidly clicking the item in his hand, Bombstrike desperately tried to turn it on. As far as he knew, the only person who could turn it on was Lazer: and he couldn't exactly come out of the dead to do that, could he, he thought to himself.

Eclipse was still ailing from the injuries he sustained during the attack on the beach resort, and Bombstrike didn't know where Lila was. She had disappeared during the fight with Crawler, back when Lazer was still alive. Bombstrike had attempted to contact her, but she hadn't replied.

The only way that Bombstrike thought that he could contact her was via the gadget that he was holding in his hand – the dimension traveller. It was a gadget that Lazer had been planning to give to Bombstrike, but he never got the chance to fix the glitches in it. But Bombstrike was desperate. It was a year since Lila had disappeared, and he and Eclipse both knew that the only power source sufficient to charge Lila resided in the Sonic Jet – or this case the new one. Wherever Lila was, she was about to die.

Desperately trying to activate it, Bombstrike suddenly cried with anger and smashed it on the floor. The device was broken and shattered beyond repair. But Bombstrike suddenly had an idea.

Gathering the parts of the broken gadget, Bombstrike entered the communications room.


The room was small and compact and had three computers and chairs in a semi-circle. Sitting down in the middle one, Bombstrike pressed a hidden button on the monitor, turning it on. Displaying the Lazer Lightzest logo – a blue background with a yellow streak of lightning going through the middle – and asking for a password, Bombstrike typed a sixteen-digit code consisting of numbers, letters and symbols. If it was typed wrong, the whole aircraft would explode. Another security feature that Bombstrike included. The computer loaded fairly quickly. It was a very old model that Bombstrike had upgraded, adding parts from his base to modernise it. He was working to replace them later, but at the moment they would have to do.

The desktop had a black background and no folders. Bombstrike tapped a button on the keyboard and the front of the computer fell forward, revealing wires and complicated machinery. Reaching in, Bombstrike got to work.

Walking out of the room, Bombstrike strode to Eclipse's bed – in the middle of the control room, replacing the holo-table – and shook him. Eclipse's eyes shot open, and he grabbed Bombstrike and threw him across the room.

"Relax," Bombstrike groaned. "It's only me."

Eclipse nodded. "I'm back."

Bombstrike stood up, guiding Eclipse to the communications room. He logged on just as he had done before, but instead of changing the computer's wiring, Bombstrike pressed a button on the gauntlet come remote control on his right arm – a gadget based on Lazer's gauntlet. The monitor switched itself off, and then suddenly turned itself back on, but instead of a black screen, there was a swirling, almost hypnotic, circle. Grabbing Eclipse's shoulder, Bombstrike leapt into the computer, turning itself off as the pair disappeared into the unknown.

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