While he had bad experiences with Splendid's cooking before, this was leagues more appetizing than what he had ever seen presented to him by his brother. The moment he shoved a piece of the chicken in his mouth, he let out a groan.

"Damn! This is really good!"

He didn't notice the surprised expression on Splendid's face as he chowed down.

Splendont shook his head, frowning as he stared at Zappy's contact on his phone. He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a migraine coming on. The memories he locked up throughout the years were coming back like little drops of dew running down the leaves of a tree. They came at random and left him feeling uncomfortable.

He hadn't gone to see Lifty again since he dropped him off. He was feeling antsy. Splendid still wasn't home, he'd be gone until tomorrow. At least that's how long he said they'd be gone. Splendont sighed and glanced at his phone again.

Lifty's face from yesterday kept him up all night. He didn't like his expression. He didn't like those tears running down his face. The way he spoke about himself also didn't sit right with him. Sure, he's sat and sort of listened to people degrade themselves and shout into the void about how they're "so pathetic" and "disappointed with their lives," but he'd never cared about another person like Lifty before.

(Oh, he was sad. He always cried when he thought Splendont wasn't around. He wanted to comfort him.
He really didn't know how.)

He clicked on Zappy's contact and sat down, rubbing his neck more. He couldn't talk to Foxy considering he was low contact at the moment. Part of him did feel bad, but she was still being weird.

(Just like him.)


Splendont frowned, shooting Zappy a look, "What are you doing right now?"

Zappy looked like he was doing an intense skin-care routine, he smiled briefly at Splendont, "I have a day off today. Doing some self-care."

Splendont tilted his head at this, "Uh huh..."

"Did you need something?" He asked, grabbing his phone to sit down. "You haven't called since the "Ken" stalking."

"I've been busy." He stated simply, rubbing his neck.

Zappy was a licensed therapist. While he didn't want to lay on a couch and tell him all about how his parents didn't love him or something, Zappy was great for unbiased advice. He wasn't about to unload on him, of course. Just a few clever worded questions to figure out how to deal with the mess he made.

I don't want to make Lifty cry like that again.

"You look like you have something on your mind." Zappy said, making Splendont sigh.

He hesitated for a moment, swallowing the venom itching to be spat out, "... I need some advice."

Shifty hadn't been home when Splendont had dropped him off. It was probably for the best he hadn't stayed for a while after. Things had been raw for him yesterday. While he was glad they were still boyfriends, he was still hurt by the things Splendont had said.

He charged his phone and called Nutty.

"Lifty! You remembered my number." Nutty sounded like he was winded. "Are you okay? I've been trying to call Cuddles or someone to get in contact with your brother, but he wasn't answering, and no one knows Shifty's number."

Lifty flinched away from the speaker, "No, no. I'm okay! Really!"

Nutty made a noise, "You don't have to lie for that jerk! I'm going to go find Splendid and tell him to keep his psycho brother under control—!"

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