"Carina, Lara is happily married with two beautiful kids. There's no need-" She drowns my voice out by cranking up the volume on the radio and singing along to the song at the top of her lungs. Staring out of the window while trying to ignore me. Whenever I try to say something, she sings even louder and I decide to just give her a minute. I shake my head at her obvious struggle to get a handle on her jealousy. I thought we worked through our personal pasts and was ready to move on. Clearly, I was being optimistic.

"Carina, you are the o-" She presses the button to power off the radio and sighs against the cold window. "I'm going to be sick." I reach over to her seat to put a comforting hand on her leg and ask her if I should pull over. We did indulge in a few bottles of wine, but I made sure to water it down with a lot of ice when she wasn't looking and asked Lucian to substitute the last wine pairing with some coffee to sober her up.

I was sure it worked when her eyes seemed so clear while we were dancing, and her energy came back after the espresso. I even thought I could prolong the date by taking her dancing at her favorite club in the University District, but I'm afraid our evening has run its course. She shakes her head while groaning with her head in her hands. "Just take me home, Maya." I run my hands through her hair and massage her head, adjusting the vents to let the cold air from the aircon blow on her face and keep my eye on her all the way to Amelia's.

She leans into my touch when I open her door and hold my hands out to her, to help her out of the car. I chuckle when she gets touchy with me, running her nail against the side of my neck. "Have I mentioned how sexy you look in this suit? Scommetto che ogni donna che ti ha visto oggi vorrebbe toccarti in questo modo, ma sono l'unica con cui fai sesso, giusto? (I bet every woman who saw you today would want to touch you like this, but I'm the only one you have sex with, right?)"

I smile at her using her mother's tongue to say what's on her mind, thinking I won't be able to understand a word of it. She's going to be so mad that she lost this part of freedom to hide behind when she's embarrassed, or angry, or overjoyed and just wants to share her thoughts out loud that she'd usually never let me hear. I grab her other hand just as it slips inside the cup of my bra, not fast enough to stop the moan from escaping both our lips when her finger brushes over my erect nipple.

She leans into my side as we make our way over the puddles towards the lobby. The guy walking out of the elevator we're waiting for, comments on what a cute couple we make and Carina thanks him with a wink. "Lei è tutta mia però. (She's all mine though.)" I almost jump out of my shoes when she grabs my ass to push me through the metal doors and stake her claim with him too. The guy chuckles and mouths good luck over Carina's shoulder to me.

She presses the button to her floor before turning on me to trap me against the wall, tracing her fingers over the lapels of my jacket. "Tutto mio! (All mine!)" Her lips are on me before I can comprehend what's happening and the way she nibbles on my lower lip, makes my knees buckle and my mind fog up. My toes curl from the ferocity of her kiss, while I try not to take advantage of her lowered inhibitions by keeping my hands to myself.

But I can't help gasping from the way she slips her own hands underneath my jacket to grope my breasts over my shirt. "Le mie tette. (My tits.)" She smiles into my open mouth before pulling my lower lip between her teeth. "Labbra che baciano solo le mie. (Lips that only kiss mine.)" The sassy Italian smirks into her bite when her pinkie rubs over my nipple and my hands involuntarily grab at her hips to pull our crotches closer to each other.

Our tongues start dueling as soon as hers passes my lips, and I need to control my hunger for her before I lift her against the opposite wall and fuck her the way I've been dreaming about since the last time I had her like this. "Get a room!" I put my hands against Carina's shoulders to push her away when she doesn't stop her attack on my mouth, not wanting to get kicked out for public indecency.

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