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  chris sat in the divorce office with his mom and dad waiting for the papers to print out so that  they can leave going there separate ways chris knew his mom was cheating on his dad he even caught her one time in the bed with another man

he didn't tell his dad only because he didn't want them to break up which ended up happening anyway the older woman cleared her throat slipping the two copies on the wooded table to each of his parents

"c'mon chris get your stuff lets go" maria said getting up swaying her hips as she walked out chris followed behind like a lost puppy he got into the car looking out the window refusing to look at his mom

he was disappointed how could she just up and go cheat on his father?

"look chris i know you think its not gonna be the same, which it isn't your father is taking the house so we're gonna live with one of my friends for awhile till we get back on our feet" she said looking over at him from time to time due to her driving

chris said nothing all he did was hum he knew all of his moms friends they all where either annoying or cheap unemployed hookers he shook his head as they pulled into the driveway

"now look here we only got a day to pack so as soon as you get into the house start packing and if you leave something its just left you hear me?" maria said pointing her finger in her son's face as he nodded

his fathers car was already in the driveway He walked into the house going upstairs starting to pack he made sure to get all of his important things as he was finally finished he zipped the suitcase up putting it by his room door

he sighed while plopping on his bed he called the group chat with his friends only three of them answering "yooo, what's the word?" his friend darrian spoke sitting his phone up on his desk

david started to laugh making a spray bottle sound "what's so funny my nigga?" darrian said utterly confused "you ugly as shit right now my heart" david said taking a puff from his blunt

it all put a smile on chris's face " i still get more bitches though" darrian said shrugging "my parents divorce is final" chris spoke making everyone go silent

"damn." bloodie said making darrian snicker "holon im sorry" darrian said going on mute laughing which was easily visible because his camera was on

"don't mind them dickheads i know you hurting right now but its gon get better muddy i cant promise it but i have a feeling it is" david said looking at chris through the screen

chris looked below david to still see darrian holding his stomach while laughing darrian reached for his phone coming off mute

"ok ok whew ima stop now. the fact that your parents divorced wasn't why i was laughing it was just this retarded nigga bloodie ain say shit this whole time now he wanna talk and it threw me off" darrian explained

bloodie put his face in the camera mugging the phone "da fuck i gotta do wit dat, anyways y'all tryna hoop tomorrow?" bloodie said "can't i'm moving" chris said coughing 

 "nigga got dat shit" david said being dramatic moving far away from his phone

 "you moving out of the area?" bloodie asked chris shrugged his shoulders "we're supposed to be staying with one of my moms friends, but aye tho i gotta go i have to wake up early as shit" chris said 

after everybody said goodnight to him he hung up the phone, he got up and walked to his dresser opening up the empty drawer he took his pre-rolled blunt out getting his lighter

 he didn't have a tv in his room due to his dad moving it to the guess room he sat on the bed lying flat on his back he lit the blunt inhaling the fumes of marijuana 

his eyes started to get low he put the blunt on the ashtray getting under the covers he rolled over falling asleep


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