Off Her Game (Excerpt)

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Darren shoved his hands in his pants’ pockets, even though it was hot as sin outside the courthouse. Texas summers were not forgiving when you wore a damn suit. Rolled up in his front jacket pocket, the divorce papers from the court burned his chest. Maybe this was hell, and the damn Texas sun was just apropos.

He was divorced.

He was torn in half, part of him missing the marriage that had failed, and the other rejoicing that the adulterous bitch who had the affair with the fucking landscaper was finally out of his life.

Thank God for prenups…

“D!” His best friend’s voice cut through the sounds of traffic, slicing into his thoughts. With a glance up to the sky in silent prayer, Darren slowed his pace and faced the courthouse again.

The older red-bricked building stood on a hill, a century old, proudly mocking him, because his marriage hadn’t lasted as long as that courthouse would.

Cody Baker and his wife Josephina caught up to him and the three of them three stared at each other in silence. Joey’s hand rested on her stomach, a slight grimace on her face. Darren felt bad for dragging her out of the house. She hadn’t been feeling good lately, getting sick enough to lose her lunch a few times.

“You all right, Darren?” Joey was the first to speak, as usual. Her hair reflected the sunshine, leaving the echo of a halo around the crown of her head.

“That’s a stupid question, Joey.” Darren snorted. “I just got a divorce.”

Joey sighed and touched her fingers to his wrist. He didn’t move to take her hand as he normally would have. The touch of a woman, even the friendly one of his best friend’s wife, just didn’t appeal at the moment. “You’ve been separated for months. This was just a technicality.”

He glanced back at the courthouse entrance. He’d know the big-boobed figure coming out the doorway anywhere. His now ex-wife didn’t see them, and he was glad. She had that bastard she was fucking attached to her arm. What was it about the landscaper? What did that man have that he didn’t?

“Dude, wanna go work out? We can suit up and hit the ice.”


Skating didn’t have any appeal either. In the courthouse, he’d wanted to punch things, but now, he was just…a black hole that just couldn’t feel anymore.

“Hit the gym? They have punching bags.” Cody suggested.

Darren shook his head. “I think I’m just going to buy some beer and go home.”

“Darren, maybe it’s not a good idea if you’re alone tonight.” Joey frowned, concern furrowing the light eyebrows.

While he loved Cody and Joey, seeing them was making him nauseous. How many double dates had he dragged Angela on so he could hang out with Cody? How many times had Angela rolled her eyes at him and Cody while Joey laughed? How had he not seen the signs? Cody was a lucky bastard. He had a wife who was actually committed to him, who actually wanted him.

“Darren?” Cody snapped his fingers in front of Darren’s face. He blinked and focused back on reality. Both of them had concerned expressions now. “You okay to drive? You want us to take you home?”

Darren blinked. Drive home? That hotel he was staying in was not home. It never would be. His home was gone, obliterated by someone who was supposed to love him.

“No.” He turned on his heels and started walking away. Beer. He needed beer.

“Promise me you’re not going to drink tonight!” Joey called after him.

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