Chapter 6 I will Find My Friend!

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Emily took out a paper out of her locker she unfold it and the paper says
Hello Emily Wilson your classroom is 108

Emily:ok i miss Rona...

Meanwhile Rona was worrying about the Rose..Her mother told her that the kind if rose seed is special...if you give that rose seed to a love one and they planted it...that means you guys relationship will stay strong or everytime someone forgets or lose interest in the other person the petal of the rose will fall down...

Rona quickly grabbed her phone contacted Emily.but emily havent replied...Rona was completely worried..while Her mom is preparing her lunch Rona said that she wouldn't go to school without Emily Renalyn her mom got mad
Renalyn:Why do you keep thinking about Emily?!!?! Shes gone!! Ok! Accept it! You emotional child

Rona:thats it!! Im going to find Emily!! And im running away!!

Renalyn:ok go! I dont care wether you get lost or anything!

Rona felt betrayed by her mom saying thoes hurtful words to her but she dosent want to waste her time crying so she packed her bags and her matching necklace with Emily.She decided to run away at midnight but she was still scares of the dark but she love her bestfriend and she really wanna see her again so she promised herself to face her fears.Its time for dinner her mom said she didnt want to eat dinner because she had broken the connection with her mom.A few hours passed buy and the clock strikes 12 Midnight...Rona broke her window and jumped of she remembers that they're house is far away from the city so she needs to take a bus.Good thing she had money in her backpack she was walking for a few minutes and then heard a growl...she was so scared she cant breath especially at night...she closed her eyes and imagine Emily comforting her...
Rona:oh jesus mary and Joseph i hope its not the wolves again...
      She prayed...while she opened her eyes she saw a bottle she picked it up and opened it..she saw a paper and she red it im looking for my bestfriend...i hope i can find her...
She was suprised the letter was similar to something she wants to find right now she thought it was just some other person thats finding its friend too so she just walked again
She found a doll that says press me she pressed it..

The RoseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ