"Yeah, school can be pretty hectic. Have you thought about what you want to do after graduation?"

As she asked about your future plans, 

you found yourself opening up to her, 

sharing your dreams and aspirations. 

You realized that beyond her beauty, 

Sana had a genuine interest in getting to know you as a person,

 and it warmed your heart.


Sana finished adjusting your tie and took a step back to admire her handiwork. 

"There you go, Y/N. All fixed."

You marveled at how perfectly she had managed to tie it, 

feeling immensely grateful for her assistance.

 "Wow, Sana, you're amazing at this. Thank you so much."

Sana's smile widened, 

and she gave your shoulder a friendly pat. 

"No problem at all. Friends help each other out, right?"

As you walked together to class, 

you couldn't help but feel that your secret crush on Sana was even stronger than before.

 You had shared a sweet moment, 

and you realized that you wanted to continue getting to know her, 

tie-fixing or not. 

In the hallways of Crestwood High School, 

amidst the hustle and bustle of student life, 

a budding friendship had taken root,

 and you couldn't wait to see where it would lead.

As the days turned into weeks, 

your friendship with Sana continued to blossom.

 Each day brought new conversations, 

shared laughter, 

and an ever-deepening connection. 

You found yourself eagerly looking forward to seeing her at school, 

cherishing every moment spent in her company.

One sunny afternoon, 

after classes had ended for the day, 

you and Sana decided to grab a bite to eat at a nearby café. 

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soothing hum of chatter filled the air as you settled into a cozy corner table.

Sana sipped her cappuccino and smiled at you. 

"Y/N, I have to admit, I never expected to become such good friends with someone in such a short time. It feels like we've known each other forever."

You couldn't help but feel a rush of happiness at her words.

 "I feel the same way, Sana. You've made high school a thousand times better for me."

The conversation flowed effortlessly,

 touching on everything from favorite books to travel dreams. 

Sana shared stories of her family, 

her passions, 

and her love for baking. 

Sana x Neutral Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now