𝘟𝘐𝘐: 𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘦𝘳

Start from the beginning

                                                    With confusion, she looked down at herself and noticed that she looked different, too. Her once (s/c) flesh was greyscale and colorless, her hands and feet fading into an inky black. Her nails were sharp and long, poking out like a feral cat's. She also noticed that she wasn't wearing her usual clothing anymore. This time she was barefooted and instead clothed in a black silky robe. The inside layer was soft and laid flatteringly against her figure, the outside layer appearing to be a long-sleeved cover-up that fell off her shoulders in favor of bunching up at her elbows and draping down her back. The see-through fabric came down and spread out around her legs unnaturally, scraping at the ground. And the longer (Y/n) stood there, she began to noticed a growing pool of crimson forming under the fabric. Blood.

                                                         Thunder and rain could be heard from her spot on the wooden porch, the black and white world around her hazy and unsettling. The tall pine trees around her loomed and cast strange shadows over the place she stood, glitching occasionally with violent static. Before her were five paths, each labeled by a single word carved into the trunk of one of the trees beside it. The words were all leaking some sort of black sap along the edges, reading 'Memories', 'Secrets', 'Fears', 'Dreams', and 'Nightmares'. Each path was dark and foggy at the edges, but as (Y/n) began to descend from the steps she stopped. Something didn't feel right.

                                                              Her foot hovered over the grass below, the ground warping and glitching. She tried to will herself to move forward, the calm the flickering of the flooring, to remind herself that she was in control, but something was holding her back. It just didn't feel right.

                                                                 "Bill," she said aloud, walking back up the steps backwards. "I'd like to come back now. Something's wrong here." Her hand grabbed at the doorframe behind her and the (h/c) retreated back into the darkness inside. At first it was once against completely dark and she began to worry that she didn't know how to wake, just floating in nothingness. But a blue string appeared to her through the inky space, a thinly glowing azure irregularity. (Y/n) reached out for it, recognizing the brilliant color and griping it between her fingers. Where it had been slack before it became tight, a rather harsh tug like elastic dragging her down past the mirrored floor and into light. Like being pulled through water, the space felt heavy as it pressed against her, trying to get her to stay. While she had felt safe up until that point, now it felt like she had found something of a threat. A foreign thing in her own head that if she got too close to could be detrimental to her progress. But, just as fast as she had entered the realm of her own mind she was pulled out of it.

꧁𓊈* (-) *𓊉꧂

                                                                     With a choked gasp (Y/n) awoke. She jolted up in bed, the sheets that had been covering her warm. She had seemingly fallen asleep under Bill's care in an awkward position, her legs still crossed but her torso thrown limply backwards. Her head had barely missed the footboard, but someone had bunched up a pillow there to keep her from hitting. It also seemed like the same person-- or dreamon-- had haphazardly tossed the throw blanket once sitting over her chair in the corner over her figure. Her neck ached from the angle and her back groaned, knees feeling stiff as she tried to straighten them. At first her entire lower half fought to stay in place, fearing to comply to her demands to move as they popped and cramped. But when she managed to actually sit up and over the edge of the bed, she waited for the ache to go away before feeling better.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (Bill Cipher x Reader x Dipper Pines)Where stories live. Discover now