Chapter One - August 1994

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Chapter One

August 1994

It was the summer before I entered into my fourth year at Beauxbatons Academy. The school was like a second home for me. It was located in France's Pyrenees Mountains. The school, like the famous Hogwarts school where my father taught Potions, was in a castle. The castle was pristine white, and it had windows embroidered with alchemist gold.

I couldn't believe how quickly the summer has gone by. Too quickly. Every August, I go to England for a few days to visit my father. But this time, I was going not only to visit my father, but to go and see the Wizarding World Cup.

I was so excited, I could remember how fast my heart was beating inside my chest. Whenever my Mother would mention it, she said that my eyes lit up like Christmas lights. My best friend, Lacey, was also going with her family. Mum and I planned on staying in a tent with them at the cup.

My Mum invited my father to come with us, but he said he had something more important to do. I knew that he was a double-agent, and fighting against Voldemort, but he couldn't spend one minute with his family? I guess not.

"Ana!" Mum called out. "Are you all packed? Your Papa should be here any minute."

"Oui, Mum!" I replied.

I put my duffle bag over my shoulder and headed down the stairs. My father usually apparated to get us, seeing as my mother was a Muggle, and I was under the age of 17, I couldn't apparate legally.

As soon as I got down the bottom of our long staircase, father was hugging mother. He smiled when his eyes met mine. "Anastasia," he said. He let go mother, and came towards me and engulfed me in a bear hug. "I've missed you."

"You too," I said.

He hugged me tighter before letting go. "Need me to carry your luggage whilst we apparate?"

"No, I've got it," I said.

Father nodded his head. He told me to grab ahold of my hand, and for mum to hold on to his other hand. "Remember you might feel a little bit nauseous when we arrive at my home."

I nodded as did Mum, and we all apparated just at his thought.

He was right. When we appeared in his Spinner's End home, the home I spent one year in as a baby, I felt like I wanted to throw up. And my head was spinning. Papa had to hold on to me to make sure I didn't fall over. Once we were better, and situated, he got us some ButterBeer. I took a sip of mine and he asked, "So you are excited for the Quidditch World Cup?"

"Excited? Are you kidding!? I'm more than excited," I smiled. He smiled too. Originally, Father had forbidden Mum and I to go. He said it would not be safe. But Mum, being the amazing woman she is, persuaded him into letting us go. This was a one time opportunity.

"I'm glad," he said.

It was time to go to the Quidditch World Cup. Mum decided at the last minute that she did not want to go. My heart sank to the bottom of the ocean when she told me. "Ana, listen, I'm not up to going to the cup, but I think that you should still go with Fleur and her family," she said. Those were her exact words.

I nodded my head. "Are you sure?"


And before I knew it, the Beaumont's were knocking on our door.

I opened it with a smile on my face. "Lacey!"

"Anastasia!" She engulfed me in a hug. "It's been such a long time since I've seen you last!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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