Not sure

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Sweat poured down his face as he lifted a heavy crate.

"A-are you sure about this?" Danny asked the other guy he was working with.

They had been employed to stuff crates in a truck at Happy Harbor in Gotham. And it was Danny's last resort. He didn't like taking on off jobs but something about this was suspicious.

"Shut up" the other guy grunted as they pushed the crate using their backs.

"We don't question the jobs"

With one final heave the crate was in the back of the truck.

Danny huffed. When he was fourteen he had been forced to flee his home town.

Even now it made him itch to think about it.

"C'mon boss won't like it if we're late" the other guy ordered.

"Who even is this guy anyway?" Danny asked a little ticked off.

"If we have to do these suspicious things he should at least have the balls to show his face-"

The other guy shoved Danny against the truck with a 'thunk' that made Danny grit his teeth.

"Shut. Up. Nobody forced you to do this, if you want to get the money then  shut up." The guy let go and went around to the front of the truck.

Danny cursed the guy out in his mind. Of course he wanted that money. Without he wouldn't be able to survive next months rent.

Scoffing at the prospect Danny slid into the truck. It roared to life with a metallic clunk.

The old best up truck ran surprisingly smoothly as it transported the crate.

The roads of Gotham were busy even at night. It took forty minutes even using back roads, to get to the drop off location.

A group of men who looked like punks surrounded the truck. The other guy in the truck glanced at Danny with a half concerned and reserved expression.

"Maybe you should stay in the truck" the guy said staring straight ahead.

"No, I have a job to do" Danny said opening the door and stepping out. He ignored the barking laughter of a couple of the imbeciles.

The guy and Danny pulled out the crate with grunts. The crate creaked slightly as it scraped against the truck, landing with a heavy 'ThuDunk' as if fell from the trucks back.

Danny wiped these sweat from his brow as he eyed the crate.

"Where is it?" A distant commanding voice asked.

"Over this way" one of the men called out. A man dressed in all silky black clothes approached.

He stopped and his eyes flickered in between skepticism and a cold blooded ness Danny had only encountered before in villains.

"Did you look inside the crate?" The man asked. His tone was questioning but everything about him said it was demand.

"No" the guy said with no hesitation.

The mans.eyes landed on Danny. He stepped over to him. Danny started to sweat a little.

"And what about you? Did you look?"

"No" Danny said just as confident.

"Hmm" the man pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the crate. Tow gunshots was all it took to blow the top off from it.

The man reached inside and pulled out a weapon, some kind of gun.

"Do you know what this is?" The man inquired.

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