Trouble With Diana

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Desdemona's Pov:

I was and still AM getting tired of the all of this BULLSHIT, this BS!!! I know he's cheating on me with Diana Ross! I thought he was mad at her for getting married to some rando and now they're apparently talking again?!?!?!?!?!? Like girl! Bish, what?

They've been going out on dates, and Michael has just become more and more distant from me every single second of the day, of my life and minutes and even seconds.

What do I do?

This shit is so annoying......

So basically, Michael was in the bedroom talking on the phone, and I was cooking dinner, I decided to make us our plates and make sure everything on the stove was turned off so that I could go in and check on him.

But right as I was about to go to the door and walk right into the room, I just quietly walked to the door and stood next to it, listening and eavesdropping on Michael's conversation. Who could he be talking to? Was all I was thinking about, that's what's all was going on inside of my head.

Michael: I know, I can't see you tonight though okay Diana?

Desdemona: Diana.....

Michael: Because, I already told you, Des. Bye.

He hung up the phone and I finally busted in the room.

Desdemona: Seriously?

He rolled his eyes and covered them, knowing that I've caught him ONCE again.

Desdemona: How many times do you need to call her in a day? Or is she calling you?.....Or is it just both?

Michael: Look, I told you about her-

Desdemona: You told me that she was a mother figure to you, not a wifey figure.

Michael: And she's not a "wifey figure" to me.

Desdemona: Then why?

He sighed at me.

Michael: Why what?

Desdemona: WHY does she keep on calling you and why do you keep calling her and WHY do you guys KEEP talking to each other?

Michael: I've known her since I was a child!

I scoffed at Michael.

Desdemona: You know Michael, all I'm hearing from your mouth is excuses.

Michael: What do you want me to say? You can't be believing everything that you see and hear Desdemona.

Desdemona: Okay, so do I just ignore the fact that you lost your virginity to her?

He turned around and looked at me confused, but in reality, he knew EXACTLY what I was talking about.

Michael: Who told you that? Jermaine? Or was it Randy?

Desdemona: Michael, please don't play stupid with me! It wouldn't matter if Tito  or Janet told me, maybe even Rebbie or Latoya! Or Marlon, Jackie, Joseph, AND EVEN KATHERINE!!!!

He sighed again.

Michael: Your point?

Desdemona: My point is ANYONE could've told me and even THAT still wouldn't matter!!!!!!!!

We took a brief moment and then got back to arguing.

Desdemona: This woman is like 45 years old and you're in your early 30s Michael, you don't have nothing else better to do, like be my husband?

Michael: Look Des, I know you're mad at me right now, and I could honestly understand why, but I'm trying to deal with her right now, can't you see that?

I raised my tone in my voice and got EVEN more madder than before!!!!

Desdemona: MICHAEL. JOSEPH. JACKSON. ARE YOU SERIOUS??????????????????????????????????


Desdemona: You're still talking to her and ABOUT her? ARE YOU REALLY THAT CLINGY? THAT ATTACHED?

Michael: I'm trying to end it with her but she just won't let me!

Desdemona: You-

He interrupted me ONCE again.

Michael: I can't even force it!

At least he read my mind because I was ABOUT to say that he could've at least TRIED or TRY TO force it. That's the LEAST he could do....,right?



I began to cry, I sat down on the edge of the bed and put my face and my head in the palms of my hands. And I began to sob.

Desdemona: You're killing me with this shit Michael.....!!!!

He sat next to me.

Michael: I know....

Desdemona: You don't know how it feels to know that you're HUSBAND is out going on dates with other females, girls, AND ELDERLY women, giving them all of the attention.

I took my head and my face out of my hands and then I wiped my tears and then looked at him.

Desdemona: Do you not care about me anymore Michael?

Michael: I care about you so much, so much more than Diana, I know that for a motherfucking fact. And I'm in the process of trying to work everything out with her and you.

Desdemona: But I want all of the attention. I'm your wife, you have to give me happiness and make me feel happy and I don't feel happy anymore. I wanna feel happy, I wanna feel something at least!

Michael and I just began kissing and I-he laid me down on my back.

Desdemona: Get off of me.

He continued kissing and slurping, and even sucking on my neck and all in the inside of it, my neck.

Desdemona: Michael get off of me!

Michael: No....

Desdemona: Why?

Michael: Because, I wanna show you how much I care....

Desdemona: By sex??????

Michael: Oh tonight it's gonna be more than sex.......

Desdemona: Fuck you....

Michael: Watch me.....

We kissed again.

Desdemona: I hate you.....

Michael: But I fucking love you girl.......

He began unbuttoning my shirt and unclipped my bra that unclips from the front.

I wrapped my legs around him.

Desdemona: I hate you, I hate you!




Why? Why me God? Why me Lord? Why?

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