04. The goblet of fire

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Note: Shall we proceed? Now is when the story starts to become more interesting.

In memory of Michael Gambon and Richard Harris, I dedicate this chapter to them. RIP. 


-It is a little late? Isn't it?- he asked quite demanding of some good explanations.

-Hey Ominis...em...it's not that late- she responded evasive and looking away.

-You and Garreth Weasley? Is this some kind of joke?- yes, he was definitely upset- you went with him to Hogsmeade without permission, we could have lost points for our house-.

-Come on Ominis, you don't care about the damn points- Lana was tired of him being so judicious with her actions.

-You are right, I don't care about the bloody points, I care about you and you didn't listen to me at all- he went from being upset to being worried, a slight anguish appeared on his face.

-I needed, the last thing I want is disappoint you and I knew you wouldn't let it go but...- she felt defeated for having failed him.

-Enough excuses, this is not you, not the Lana I used to know and I'm totally aware that you care about me...and Anne- he seemd doubtful- so please, don't leave the castle again-.

-Fine- she responded reluctantly with a dry, sharp tone and a snort that made a strand of hair move.

A bitter feeling was felt in Ominis' throat, that look of hers. She was starting to remind him of when Sebastian lost his mind and he didn't like it one bit. "Not her", he thought.

-You won't do it, won't you?- he asked again and he know the answer. She won't listen to him.

-Is everything going well here?- a sleepy Anne appeared coming down the stairs that gave access to the bedrooms and rubbing her tired eyes.

-We are perfectly fine, aren't we Ominis?- Lana commented, making a confident gesture towards him and rolling her eyes.

-Of course, nothing happened- she knew she had screwed up, she squeezed her eyes in disgust.

-Are you sure? It seemed like you were arguing- Anne wasn't sure about what was going on. 

Suddenly, everything around Lana began to blur and her vision went black. She felt like she was fainting. And from one moment to the next, she found herself in the arms of Ominis who kept asking her how she was. The whole situation seemed foreign to her and a horrible pain began to reach every bone in her body, an inner heat of hers stirred her insides and a sharp sting squeezed her heart. It only lasted a few seconds, but they were the longest seconds of her entire life. It reminded her of when Sebastian cast crucio on her in front of the scriptorium. After that, Anne helped her go to their room so she could sleep and rest. She had a hard time convincing Ominis that everything was fine and she had just drunk and danced too much at the Three Broomsticks. The worst excuse without a doubt. Ominis hadn't bought that for a moment, because he knew very well the consequences of the cruciatus curse and what she felt was too close not to notice.

*                      *                        * 

The next day at breakfast everyone was talking about who was going to throw their name into the Goblet of Fire blue flames. While Lana was eating some sausages with tomato gravy, she could hear how some first-year Gryffindor students were talking pretty excited about the Tournament and who was the bravest one who threw out their name without practically having any magical skills. "Come on Dumbledore, you should try, I know you can", said a quite short boy with messy black hair and a pointed nose. "No Elphias, we just started at Hogwarts, it has no sense". They both continued whispering,  so that no one would hear them. But Lana could swear that this Elphias Doge would continue to pester Albus Dumbledore for a while longer. It was very unwise for two first-year students to even consider participating in such a competition.

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