The Butler & the Tutor, Points of View

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Humans... So annoying but peculiar creatures. Ever since I was young, I really enjoyed spending time in the human dimension, mingling with and observing them before consuming their souls; but unfortunately, I soon began getting tired and bored of them.

No matter how wonderfully they and their world evolved, they maintained some patterns of behaviour and thought, repeating them again and again through centuries and millennia. It went beyond simply being consistent; an endless cycle of repetition. The same mistakes, lies, crimes and sins directed to others and themselves too; and above all, the same stupid illusion of believing in an ultimately benevolent higher being to forgive and save them from mine and my kind's clutches...

Ha! I know better how rotten the messengers of this "higher being" can turn. And the most amusing was that humans even waged wars on each other in the name of this being. Do not get me wrong, I had a splendid time during crusades, killing and eating souls to my heart's content, but still... so foolish. Oh, how they made me laugh!

Nevertheless, I continued interacting with humans and occasionally observing them, but not with my previous fervour, because they had become quite predictable and dull in my eyes... Unlike cats!!

Aww! How beautiful they are, my little ones! So soft and warm, so undecipherable and mysterious; it is like they keep the secrets of the world in their sparkling eyes an- Oh, sorry, I forgot myself, apologies. What was I saying? Oh, yes. About how disappointed I was in humans.

Therefore, I kept filling my stomach by gobbling down souls indiscriminately, but I soon realised that was not enough for me; I felt like something was missing, nothing excited me and the souls had no particular taste anymore!! That was when and why I decided to look for a soul of exquisite taste to satisfy my hunger, and perhaps manage to gift me some form of thrill I needed so much. My determination was so great that I did not hesitate to starve myself while searching for or perhaps cultivating the soul to the desirable level.

It took me quite some time to find such a soul but when I did, I felt such a great pull from the so strong summoning. I already could taste the burning hate, maddening wrath, heartbreaking pain and the most delectable desperation of the summoner. Yes, that was indeed the soul I was searching for!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" That slip of a human child in the cage was screaming with all the strength his small, sickly body had. His blue eyes were burning with so much hate; he wanted to see the humans around him dying a horrible death at whatever cost... unwittingly, he even sacrificed what was most precious to him... until then at least.

"My, my! What a surprise!" I said standing in front of the child that was now cowering in fear. "You are quite the tiny, little master!" I could not help but chuckle.

It took a while for him to find the necessary strength and determination to bind himself to me with a contract. He was so scared and reached very close to the breaking point of his sanity; I know for sure there are some cracks in his mind's walls and I am very careful in not widening them too soon, because that would certainly spoil the taste... and the fun. But when he looked at me with so dark, sparkling from hate eyes, I knew he was worth the effort, even if I had to serve him and endure belittlement from my precious young master... like when he named me after his... dog!!

"Power... I want power... I want the power to take revenge on everyone who did this to us!! Demon! I will form a contract with you!" He screamed as he stretched his small hand to me. He looked like a wilful kitten not letting go of his toy... so adorable!!

I will not get into details, as you already know about our circumstances; I will only say that for three years I actually thought he was everything I needed. The only human, so different from all others, that, through the cases his Queen ordered him to solve, could gift me some of the excitement I longed for centuries. Plus, his ruthlessness, despite his young age, and unmovable determination to achieve his goals, regardless the cost on his soul, along his so kitty-like reactions in many occasions, made me believe he was indeed all I needed and searched in a human and meal, of course...

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