As you left the scene of the crime, you then passes by a TV store with lots of TVs behind of the window from inside. You noticed that it showed a collapsed building with smoke still coming out of it. But you felt like you had a flashback about what you did to the gang with the mask on.

Y/n: *like I said, not buying it.*

Then the screen cuts to you arriving at the bank but something look odd, usually Mr. Dickey always yelled at you for being late and giving you his paperwork so that he doesn't have to do it but it felt strange.

*you then asked your Co-worker about where Mr. Dickey was at*

Y/n: Hey, Mike.

Mike: *sigh* The hell you want L/n?

Y/n: Do you know where's Mr. Dickey? Isn't he supposed to be here?

Mike: What are you taking about? He's dead.

Y/n: *Shocked, soft voice* .... dead?

Mike: Well no shit! They found his body lying on the ground, splitted in half.

Y/n: .... what?

Mike: What are you shocked about? Anyways, since he's dead, they're replacing him.

Y/n: with who?

He points to a sinner who is wearing a black suit, dark blue tie with black skulls on it, black shoes and a black hat with an angelic bullet on top.

Y/n: whoa.... giving off emo vides huh?

Mike: Fuck off.

*Mike walks away leaving you all by yourself*

Y/n: So I guess it wasn't a dream.

*then you looked around and you slowly walked out of the bank because you didn't want to go to work.*

As you left, you went to Hellkin Donuts, you sat down all scared about everything that happened yesterday, you drank your coffee while not noticing the hot coffee dripping onto your suit.

???: Hi.

*you look to your right and saw a grey pale woman, with red hair, a brown jacket, blue shirt with no sleeves, blue jeans and brown shoes*

*you look to your right and saw a grey pale woman, with red hair, a brown jacket, blue shirt with no sleeves, blue jeans and brown shoes*

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Y/n: Hi, can I help you with something?

???: Is this seat taken?

Y/n: No, it's free.

???: Okay, thank you.

Y/n: You're welcome. My name is Y/n.

Peggy: Peggy Brandt.

Y/n: It's nice to meet you, Peggy.

Peggy: It's nice to meet you too, Y/n.

Y/n: wait, you said your name is Peggy Brandt right?

Hazbin Hotel x The Mask Male ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu