Part 5 The morning kisses

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Wither's POV 

I open my eyes as the bright sun is going through the window I gently rub my eyes using my right hand as my left arm is wrap around Skelly's back. 

I put my arm down as I look down at Skelly, I smile at him I sigh with love in my eyes "You're so cute my Skelly..." I said softly. 

I notice Skelly moving a little bit before he slowly open his eyes with a yawn Skelly snuggle my chest before looking at my red eyes. 

"Well aren't you a cute thing..." I said softly teasing him Skelly blush with a smile before I gently bring him closer to me. 

"Did you sleep good..?" I ask softly. 

"Yeah, I love sleeping with you..." Skelly said softly. 

I smile "Do you want to do thing again..?" I ask softly. 

Skelly nodded before nuzzling my neck I smile more before I start kissing his forehead making him blush way more. 

I gently place my right hand under his chin before I slowly pull away the kisses on his forehead "Wither..." Skelly said softly. 

"Yea love..." I ask softly still holding him. 

"I love you..." Skelly said softly with a blush. 

"I love you too..." I said softly with a smile. 

Skelly blush more as I smile I watch him snuggling my chest more noticing the time on my phone noticing we're gonna be late but, I smile at Skelly more. 

"I think we should have a day off today..." I said softly. 

Skelly blush more as he snuggle deeper into my chest I can feel a slight of pain on my chest from his snuggling but, I don't care as I'm still holding him. 

"I really love you Wither..." Skelly said softly. 

"I know I really love you too..." I said softly. 

I watch Skelly closing his eyes as he went back to sleep I gently bring him closer to me more before using my hacking powers to bring the blankets closer to us. 

Skelly move his body a little bit as he's trying to get warm I smile at him more I decided to give him some love by giving him so morning kisses. 

I gently kiss his forehead softly making him blush with a smile before I went down to his right cheek and his left cheek. 

Finally, I kiss him on the lips making Skelly blush more as he gently kiss me back I gently place my right hand under his chin before bringing him closer more. 

We kiss for a while before we gently pull away "I love you my Skelly..." I said softly with a smile. 

"I love you too... my Wither..." Skelly said softly before completing falling asleep on me. 

"Awww my Skelly..." I said softly I do know it's the morning but, we both stay in bed a little longer before I gently hold him closer with a smile. 

I know Herobrine is gonna be mad or confused of why we're not here but, my Skelly and I don't care we're so in love that we'll never be apart. 

Wither X Skelly - I'm always there for youWhere stories live. Discover now