"Vameus' intervention," Douxie called softly, hovering a few feet away. He locked eyes with mother and son, expression that of heartbreak. "He wouldn't let you."

Lily smiled at him, holding her hand out. "Douxie," she beckoned him forward. "Come here."

Douxie paused awkwardly before he walked forward, taking her hand. "Lily, I'm sorry--"

"You," she said decisively. "Have nothing to apologize for. You did exactly what you promised you'd do."

Douxie gave a slightly strained smile. "I was more than happy to." He looked at Carter and his smile softened. "I'd do anything for him."

"Hm," Lily chuckled, gently grabbing Carter's left hand. He held his breath as she studied the metal prosthetic. Her thumb rubbed over the engagement ring and she smiled. She looked up, meeting his eyes. "Is this what I think it is?"

Carter's smile came back. "Yeah."

Lily laughed softly, tears of joy misting in her eyes now instead. "Oh, my darling. This is all I've wanted for you. I spent so many years terrified what would happen if the wrong person found out about your preferences." She grinned and kissed his forehead. "Has the world really come so far that you can marry who you want to?"

"Yes," Carter said, holding Douxie's hand with his free one. "Nearly a hundred years later, but we can do this now." He smiled at his fiancé, before he looked back at his mother. "I'm going to marry him."

Lily looked so overjoyed she might burst. "Oh, gods above, I knew you two were going to make it." She looked at Douxie grinning still. "You're still taking care of him?"

Douxie nodded, unable to fight back his smile. "Yes, of course."

"Good," she nodded, squeezing their hands. "I know this is probably a little late, but I give you my blessing." She looked between them. "Be good to eachother. I know the road ahead won't be easy, but you're going to make it."

"Thank you," Carter brought her into another hug, kissing the side of her head. "For everything, Mom. I love you."

"I know Carter," she hugged him tightly. "I love you too. And I'm proud of you, sweetheart. So very proud." She pulled back from the hug, gripping his right shoulder. "And Carter? If I ever see you down here again you're grounded, understand?"

Carter laughed. "Yes ma'am."

"Good," she sighed happily, cupping his cheek. "My sweet boy. I love you, Carter."

"I know," Carter said, tugging her into one more hug. "I love you too, Mom."


Watching Lily disappear into shadow and mist, going back into the depths of the Underworld was hard. The way Carter's breath shook as she melted back into the shadows broke Douxie's heart. Nearly eighty years had gone by since he'd last seen his mother. Douxie wasn't sure what was going through his mind.

"Are you okay?" He whispered softly.

Carter looked at him, tears in his eyes. But he was smiling. "Yeah. I got to say goodbye, Douxie. I'm more than okay."

Douxie smiled for him at that. They both knew Lily hadn't been in the most conscious of headspaces when she died. He knew not getting the closure he'd needed that day had hurt Carter more than he was willing to let on. But he'd gotten that now.

He wrapped his arm around Carter's shoulders and kissed his temple. They turned, facing their friends. They all looked like they were in various stages of shock.

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