"I understand you're here for business meetings, but I also want you to focus on our marriage. We're in London, one of the most beautiful and charming cities in the world, so let's enjoy this pre-parental phase," he added, though the situation was becoming somewhat awkward.

"Yeah, of course," I replied and followed the butler.

"I'm staying in the 10th cottage with my granddaughter. She was delighted to hear about your arrival. I sent her back to sleep, and she'll come in the morning to prepare food for you," the butler informed us, and finally, we reached the door to my bedroom.

"Here's your room, young master. Please rest. Are you hungry?" he inquired, turning to me.

"No, we're both full. You can both go," I said, glancing at Leon. He understood my signal and nodded in agreement.

"Leon, please open the door," I instructed, and he did so. As soon as the door swung open, I entered my bedroom.

"Good night, young master," I heard my butler say as the door closed behind us. I walked over to the bed and gently laid Aziel's relaxed body on it. I checked her temperature, and she seemed to be improving. I carefully removed the blanket wrapped around her and covered her with the fresh, cozy one that was already on the bed.

Satisfied that she was comfortable and resting, I headed to the bathroom for a quick shower.


The next day, Aziel groaned in her sleep and snuggled into the soft pillow. The comfortable fabric of the bed made her sleep soundly. However, something was bothering her—an incessant punching sound, as if someone were ruthlessly hitting something.

Opening her eyes, she found herself in a room with elegantly designed walls. The punches continued, growing louder. She sat up in bed, scanning the room for the source of the noise, but found no one. Her attention was drawn to a particular closed door, and it seemed like the sound was coming from behind it. Soon, the punches ceased.

Her eyes were still heavy with sleep, and she hoped everything was now fine. However, her relief was short-lived as the door flung open suddenly. A sweaty figure of Jungkook walked into the bedroom. He wore knee-length pants and a brown tee-shirt, which clung to his sweaty body. Even his hair was damp, with sweat drops trickling down his tee-shirt. He appeared very angry, his chest heaving up and down.

For a moment, she feared he might harm her, so she pulled the white comforter up to her shoulders for cover. When Jungkook walked in front of the bed, he glanced at her, a look that made her imagine all sorts of terrible things. Then, he shifted his gaze towards one of the room's doors and walked in that direction. She sighed in relief as he left the bedroom and entered another room.

After 10 minutes, he reappeared in the bedroom, this time with a white towel wrapped around his waist, hanging very low. Without looking at her, he walked to the closet in the corner of the bedroom and opened the door. She had averted her gaze from his body to the bed.

She heard some low sounds and guessed that he was putting on his clothes in the bedroom.

Was he really putting on his clothes in her presence?

I mean, he will be safe around her.

She wouldn't force herself on him. But hadn't he said that he wanted PRIVACY?

Then why was he getting dressed in her presence?

"Are you planning to stay in bed all day?" She heard his voice and looked towards him but immediately closed her eyes when she saw him zipping up his pants.

Zipping up his pants?

"You should change in the bathroom," she said softly, and he chuckled.

"Why? Am I doing something a little bit naughty with you?" He asked, leaving her speechless.

"You're making me uncomfortable," she murmured.

"But babe, I'm the one who's changing, and I should be the one feeling uncomfortable. I should be the one worrying about you forcing yourself on me," he said, and his response filled her with regret.

He always made fun of her, and he shouldn't do this. Her heart throbbed in pain when he teased her about her situation.

She looked down in sadness. It was a foolish idea to engage in unnecessary conversation.

"Don't sit for too long. There are no servants in this house to serve us, so you'll need to handle all the chores," he said and put on his shirt. "I want you to cook for us and keep this house clean as long as we're here," he ordered, and she nodded.

"I will," she answered.

Cooking and cleaning were never a big deal for her. She had started cooking delicious food at the age of 13, and cleaning? Well, her childhood and teenage years were dedicated to that field, from cleaning her own house to cleaning others'.

She heard his footsteps approaching her. She lifted her gaze and found him coming towards her. He was wearing black pants and a white shirt.

"Go get ready for the day," he ordered, and she got off the bed. Jungkook watched her, and so many thoughts crossed his mind, as usual, most of them quite nasty.

The delightful aroma of food filled the entire kitchen as she deftly chopped vegetables, the sound echoing in the room.

Despite her focus on cooking, her mind was busy concocting an escape plan. She yearned for a chance, even the slightest opportunity, to break free from her captor, who tormented her with mental abuse, threats, and cruel mockery of her situation.

In her 20 years of life, she had encountered many rude individuals, but none compared to Jungkook. His taunts left her seething with anger and frustration, often finding solace only in tears.

If only tears could convey her plight.

Standing in the midst of the kitchen, Aziel prepared a delicious meal for her abductor, her mother's murderer. She wore a plain white knee-length frock, her brown hair pulled back, her face devoid of any expression or smile.

All the colors of happiness had drained from her life.

Jungkook had already departed for his important meetings, leaving her alone in the vast, inaccessible house. After finishing the meal, she moved to the living room, where she found her holy Bible resting on the table. Taking her sacred book, she sat on the sofa and began to read.

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