Thousands Stories Must Unite

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Wish Rumple "almost done dearie"

Wish Henry "who book is this one as my arm feels like it could break writing all these"

Wish Rumple "yours ma ha ha"

Wish Henry finishing with a full stop "what? Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!?!"

Wish Henry falls in a book as close to front cover Once Upon A Time Wish Henry Charming

As Wish Rumple begins to put mountain of books into shelfs

[Inside Once Upon A Time Cinderella 2.0/Jacinda]

Cinderella 2.0 "this can't be real ? What in the world"

Faceless figure in French aristocracy attire dancing a ball as one comes to Cinderella 2.0 "care to dance"

[Inside Once Upon A Time Henry Mills]

Henry is writing a book but constantly throwing pages away as he keeps getting writers block

Henry "AAAAHHH this can't be real?"

[Inside Once Upon A Time Lucy Mills]

She is being take by 2 faceless figures to a ball filled with faceless French dressed  aristocracy simlar to her mums story but instead they mindless cheering her name but almost sound like haunting chant "LUCY LUCY LUCY LUCY LUCY!!!"

Lucy "this can't be real?"

[Inside Once Upon A Time Regina Mills]

Regina "we must kill her we must kill Snow White. Wait that doesn't seem right"

Black Knights "yes your majesty"

Regina "River this doesn't feel right"

The Black Knights continue running away as if going out to go get Snow

Regina "hay River your Queen spoke to you"

She grabs a Black Knight pulling off his helmet only to show faceless figures

Regina gasping and falling backwards "what in the realms"

Wish Rumple "it's so much nicer and quiet"

[Inside Once Upon A Time Henry Mills]

Henry is at a book signing with thousands of faceless figures rush his table to sign there books

Henry in almost drone like manner  "yes yes the author loves you all"

Henry have flashes of memories he is struggling to understand "what is an Emma or a Regina or a..."

The faceless figures still mobbing the table

Henry "can you please all give me one second folks"

Henry rushing to the backstage of venue

Henry "I can't understand what is happening this all feels so perfect and yet so hollow"

Henry look at pile of books having brief flashback to pile Wish Rumple had Wish Henry write

Henry "what the"

Suddenly realising at the top the is original Once Upon A Time book with all characters stories together and the pen at the top of it glowing

Henry grabs the pen and suddenly thrusted into white void

Henry "what in the world"

The Apprentice "that is incorrect author"

Henry "who are you!?! And where am I!?!"

The Apprentice "I am old freind and where you are is what is place I hoped you wouldn't ever see. This is THE END of the book"

Henry "what?"

The Apprentice "a wish gone wrong has plunged the realms out of the natural order"

Henry "what are talking about"

The Apprentice "its time you remembered who you are"

He grabs Henry forehead pressing his index finger down on it"

Henry memories suddenly fly back into his head at lighting speed showing

Little Henry "it your destiny your to bring back the happy ending"

Henry dancing with Violet

Henry in Peter Pans body "yes I do need you" then hugging Regina

Henry in New York "WE NEED MAGIC"

Henry "operation cobra, mongoose, phoenix"

Henry being hugged by his whole family

Henry spending time with Lucy and Cinderella 2.0

Suddenly back out his head "MY FAMILY!!!"

The Apprentice "at last Henry"

Henry "Mills"

The Apprentice smile as the world starts to shake

Henry "wait what happening"

Appreciate "I changed an author intended ending go Henry"

He open a door to incredible odd looking castle

Henry "where is that"

The Apprentice "the one place you can go to stop this happening completely Times Castle go GO GOOOOO!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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