Eyes on the Canvas

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The art club's spacious room was bathed in the soft, golden glow of the late afternoon sun, which streamed through tall, arched windows, casting long, dramatic shadows that danced across the studio's well-worn hardwood floor. The scent of paint hung in the air, mingling with the hushed, anticipatory whispers of students setting up their easels and sketchpads. It was an atmosphere that seemed to breathe creativity and inspiration into every corner, creating a perfect backdrop for the unfolding events.

I found myself perched delicately on a sturdy wooden chair in a quiet corner of the room, donning a revealing robe that exposed my chest, pushing me a bit out of my comfort zone. Damn. I felt like a modern-day embodiment of a Greek god.

The anticipation of this impending 'life drawing activity' was palpable, sending a ripple of nervous energy through my veins. As a teenage model known for gracing the covers of magazines and strutting down prestigious runways, I was no stranger to the world of fashion and glamour.

However, this experience was different; I had been handpicked, along with a few other students, to participate in this endeavor. Modeling was my world, but becoming a life model, even just for this one-time event, was a venture into uncharted territory.

Finally, the heavy door swung open, and Xiyang, whose name I didn't know at the time, made his entrance. His mere presence commanded attention as he moved gracefully into the room. His long, flowing white hair cascaded like a silken waterfall down his back, catching the sunlight and giving it a shimmering, ethereal quality. The soft, tanned hue of his skin seemed to absorb the warmth of the sun, enhancing his otherworldly aura. And those yellow eyes, like two slivers of sunlight themselves, held a depth that was both captivating and mysterious.

Our gazes met briefly as he approached, and I offered a polite smile, though my heart fluttered with a mixture of confidence and the underlying nervousness that I couldn't entirely suppress. "Hey there. The name's-" I started, but before I could finish, a sudden interruption cut me off, leaving my voice hanging in mid-sentence.

"Kuu Hạnh? Hey. I'm Xiyang - Xiyang Luo." He replied, his voice as serene as his demeanor.

He took a seat across from me, each movement deliberate and precise, as if he were crafting a masterpiece with every gesture.

"I guess we're partners for this activity."

"...Yeah," I responded, nodding, my gaze locked on his composed expression, as I attempted to regain my train of thought after the unexpected interruption. "Well, uhm, I've done stuff like this before, so don't worry about anything. Just take your time."

I observed in admiration as he meticulously arranged his art supplies, his every action a testament to his dedication. Every pencil and brush found its place with care and precision, a reflection of his deep commitment to his craft.

As the session began, I settled into the chair, deciding to break the ice with a touch of playful banter. I struck a few poses, attempting to infuse a bit of humor into the situation. "How's this?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and attempting to elicit a laugh.

Xiyang did chuckle, the sound akin to a soft, melodious note that made my heart skip a beat. Rising from his seat, he approached me, his movements fluid, and his gaze full of amusement.

"Mmm... Not quite," he quipped, his voice laced with a hint of playful banter.

My heart raced as he gently cupped my chin with one hand, bringing my gaze up to his. His touch sent a thrilling shiver down my spine.

"Let me show you," he murmured.

I found myself ensnared in his intense yellow gaze as he repositioned me for the painting, his hands moved with the precision of a master sculptor. In addition to adjusting the angle of my head, his fingertips traced along the curve of my spine, guiding me into a posture that conveyed both strength and vulnerability. With a gentle yet firm touch, he encouraged my shoulders to relax, coaxing them into a position that highlated the grace of my posture.

His skilled hands then moved to my arms, where he delicately adjusted the placement of my hands and fingers, ensuring that they complemented the overall composition of the painting. The sensation of his fingers on my skin was akin to a dance, each touch deliberate and calculated.

Throughout this process, I could feel his unwavering focus and dedication to his craft. It was as if he were not merely repositioning my body, but coaxing out the very essence of my being to create a masterpiece on canvas.

I became both muse and medium, a living embodiment of his artistic vision. The world around us seemed to fade into the background, leaving me flustered yet yearning for more.

Xiyang leaned back, a faint smile playing at the corner of his lips. "You know, this isn't as intimidating as I thought it would be," he admitted, his voice now carrying a more casual tone. "It's like... capturing a moment, frozen in time."

I nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Yeah, it's almost like playing a game of statues, but with a bit of nudity involved," I replied with a chuckle.

"True. And I have to say, you make a pretty good statue."

"Thanks. I'll take that as a compliment."

Xiyang's smile widened, and he leaned in a little closer. "Oh, it definitely is. But you know, you have to stay perfectly still for me."

I raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Are you saying I can't stay still?"

Xiyang's smile remained playful as he retorted, "Oh, I'm sure you can stay still... But can keep that mischievous spirit in check?"

The rest of the session passed in a hazy blur, my thoughts consumed by the memory of his touch and his calm, collected presence. As the activity drew to a close, I mustered up the courage to speak once more. "...Hey. Would you like to get some coffee sometime?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

His expression remained tranquil, though I swore I sensed a glimmer of surprise in his eyes. "Sure," he replied, a small, enigmatic smile gracing his lips. "I'd like that."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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