Chapter 2

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All Characters belong to Cassandra Clare


After Will's door slammed shut, Jem tried to rise from his bed and see what was wrong with Will but Charlotte had stopped him from doing this after remembering Jem was also ill saying "we can ask Will tomorrow at breakfast but for now you need to rest and take some yin fen as it is already very late ." Leaving no room for arguing because when Jem had processed what she said, she had already retreated back to her bedroom but Jem just sat there in a shock unable to move.


Will slammed the door and locked knowing someone would eventually follow him back to his room.

He had to get his breathing and cough under control but he couldn't and his fever wasn't helping so he grabbed a bowl from his bedside table because he needed to cough. But once he had started there was no way to stop so he had to carry on, hoping the room was sound proof and nobody could hear him but that wasn't true.

In Jem's room which was just down the hall, Jem could hear everything including Will coughing his lungs out and his sobs of pain in those few seconds when Will's coughing stopped but would carry on a few seconds later but after 30 minutes Jem had enough and decided to head down to Will's room, after taking some yin fen of course. Will's room wasn't very far away but after hearing his coughing get worse, Jem ran down the hall to where Will's door stood.

Suddenly, Will felt his coughing get worse then he heard loud footsteps near his door at a very fast pace. The sound of a loud knock filled his room and Will prayed it wasn't Jem knocking on his door.

But fate hated Will and he figured this out when he heard Jem soft voice telling him to open his door. Trying to answer he opened his mouth and speak but no sound came out so he tried again this time clearing his throat out first, this time it worked but his voice sounded weak and tired. Jem heard his weak voice say " I'm fine, go away, don't worry about me James."

But Jem not believing a word Will was saying, answered by promising he would break Will's door down if he didn't open the door within the next three seconds. Hearing Will sigh from the other side of the door, he knew he had won because Will could never deny anything. Proving Jem's point the door clicked.

Upon entering Jem saw his parabatai pale body laying on floor, Will wasn't moving and it if wasn't his strained breaths, Jem would have thought he was dead. In that moment Jem heart broke. In that moment he knew his feelings for Will were more than brotherly but right now he had more important things to worry about.

Lifting Will on the large canopy bed, Jem checked Will for any physical wounds but after finding none he decided it was time to wake Will up and ask him so that's what he did. After poking Will on the cheek to wake him up, Jem saw Will slowly open his perfect blue eyes and asked "What's wrong Will, you can tell me, don't worry, we'll try to fix the problem." Will saw Jem was panicking so he tried to help by saying "don't worry I'm fine." Only to start coughing straight afterwards.

Seeing that Jem was not believing a word he said he finally told the truth... Well at least his opinion of truth "It's all my fault, I'm the problem, I'm what's wrong ." Cried Will, finally letting his mask down and Jem knowing that wasn't true tried to comfort him by asking what the real problem was. This time Will whispered " I'll tell everybody at breakfast." Jem agreed with him seeing how tired he was.

Siting down in the chair next to Will's bed, chooseing to stay there after thinking what could happen to Will in the night. Twenty minutes after Jem watched Will fall in to a deep sleep, he was starting to feeling tired as it was well past midnight so he fall asleep and his last thoughts of were how he was going to get Will to tell him his problem at breakfast tomorrow but also of how he was going to save his secret love William Herodale.

I hoped you liked the second chapter, thank you for reading.


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