Morning break away

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Vanessa woke up by her alarm, going off at 6:30, ready for school by 9. She got up and thanked her friend, who was already up, because she woke up at 5 a.m., for letting her stay the night got dressed for school and hoped out on the train, for school which was 2 hours away.

Next stop, Stratford, she hopped out the
Train station and walked to the bus stop she normally gets for school, so no one would think any differently of her. She got on the bus like normal and arrived at school only to have Jack there waiting for her,

Vanessa: Were done, were over, I don't want to hear it.

Jack: Seriously, you will regret this, I'm the hottest guy in school, I can have anyone I want, but I chose you.

Vanessa: Fuckoff Jack, I don't care anymore, find some other bitch to be your new whore.

Vanessa storms out after swearing some more at him, ending their relationship because she has lost feelings for him and wants someone who loves her for her, she goes into the same room she vented to that person hoping to find them again!

Vanessa: Hi! Is anyone in here

Mystery Person: Oh, it's you again, still with boy are you

Vanessa: No, I just dumped his ass.

Mystery person: ooh, I see

Vanessa: Anyway, what's your name

Mystery person: River, I'm quite a quiet kid, so not many know who I am.

Vanessa: Is that why you were a cloak and have your face covered all the time, like some sort of supervillain.

River: Sort of I have a scar, I would rather not talk about on my face from a fire, I was in years ago.

Vanessa: ohh I'm so sorry about that, so do you use it to cover it up so people don't pick on you.

River: Yes, I do, I also do it, so the person who did it can't like see me easily.

Vanessa: Sorry to ask, but who did it to you.

River: Someone you know, but I don't want to say people they will deny it and say I'm lying.

Vanessa: OK, is it alright if I call my friend in here, I'm less likely to get caught here,

River: Of course, just don't mention that I'm here.

Vanessa: You have my word.

Vanessa calls Jackie to tell her that's she broke up with her boyfriend, which Jackie was happy about because Jackie insisted that he had a bad influence on her before they began dating.

Jackie seems off while on the phone, like she saw something.

Vanessa: Jackie, is everything alright? You seem like you saw a ghost

Jackie: Did you order pizza? For me!

Vanessa: No, why?

Jackie: Because there's a guy at the door, with a pizza box, I'm home alone, and I didn't order any.

Vanessa: Maybe it's a gift from someone or something like that,

Jackie: I don't think so, because I think I see blood coming out of the pizza bag.

Vanessa: I'll call the police. Are you in the kitchen?

Jackie: Yeah, why?

Vanessa: Get a knife and go in the basement. Hid in there, I'm coming over.

The door rings again,

Jackie runs down the basement, forgetting to get a knife. She unlocks the safe and pulls out a license gun to her father, only to be used if an emergency. She rushes to get it and gets to the basement waiting for Vanessa  to say there safe word since they were three, which is bumblebee.

The guy rings the door

Pizza guy: I know you're in here. Just open the door and let me in. You have nothing to hide.

Jackie doesn't hear this as the basement is soundproof. Suddenly, sirens can be heard, the pizza guy begins to run faster than light itself, from the sirens, a man gets out and starts to follow after him into a forest,

Police Officer 1: We are going to need backup now, we have a rabbit, a teenage girl in the house, find her.

Police Officer 2: I'll call for the chopper,

Police Officer 1: Very well continue,

The police find Jackie and Vanessa meet up with  her, and they both are safe now, the pizza guy was high on drugs so that's why he ran off. He wasn't charged with anything but he was kept on the radar.

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