The referee blew the whistle for half time and the girls made their way back to a team space in the depths of the stadium to refresh themselves and replenish their energy for a second half which was certain to be a tough contest. 

Monica sat in the stands talking to the two team babies, as Harley babbled on about God knows what Monica's phone buzzed. She opened it up to see a message from Sam, Monica's eyes widened. What was Sam doing texting her whilst she is supposed to be getting herself prepped for second half.

Sammy ✮

Looking good up there wearing my jersey Moni 😏

Monica was baffled to say the least. The thought of Sam complimenting her didn't even go through her head, the only thing she could think about was Sam getting ready for the game. Call her stupid but she really cared and she didn't want to see her friends upset if they lose, a text to Monica being the reason why.

Moni 𝄞

Shouldn't you be prepping yourself, don't let me distract you Kerr.

Sammy ✮

Never. Im ready to go, just you wait 😘

Monica rolled her eyes and shut her phone back off as she resumed talking to the kids. The 15 minutes of the half time break were soon up and the crowd was all returning to their seats after getting up to move around the stadium.

The Matildas came back onto the pitch looking ready as ever, their game faces still intact. They were not going to let the fact they still had the advantage get to their play, they still had to earn their goals. 

The second half began with both teams hungry for victory. The Matildas, spurred on by their home crowd, came out with renewed determination.

As the clock ticked on, the intensity of the match never waned. The Nigerian Super Falcons fought back, and in the 65th minute, Osinachi Ohale delivered a powerful header from a well-placed corner kick, leveling the score once again at 2-2. The game had turned into a true spectacle, with both teams refusing to yield an inch.

But Sam Kerr wasn't finished yet. In the 70th minute, she displayed her remarkable skill once more, weaving through Nigerian defenders and striking the ball into the net with clinical precision. The Matildas were back in the lead, 3-2, and the crowd roared with excitement.

Monica jumped up and down with Harper on her hip, the young girl cheering as well. Sam's smile was easily the prettiest thing Monica had ever seen, she could look at the girl forever. Sam gave a quick wave to Monica as she made her way back to her position to resume play.

The Super Falcons, though, were relentless. In the 72nd minute, Asisat Oshoala, their star striker, showcased her incredible speed and agility. Breaking away from the Matildas' defense, she delivered a perfectly placed shot that found the back of the net, once again equalizing the score at 3-3.

As the match entered its final moments, the tension was palpable. In the 90+10th minute, the Matildas were awarded a corner kick after a blocked header from Caitlin. The stadium held its collective breath as the ball sailed into the penalty area. And then, in a moment of sheer brilliance, defender Alanna Kennedy rose above the chaos, her head connecting with the ball in a perfect arc. It thundered into the net, and the crowd erupted into a deafening roar the tillies joining in on the cheering.

After another 3 nerve racking minutes of deflecting attempts from both sides the referee blew the final whistle signalling full time

The girls all ran over to each other forgetting all fatigue to meet each other in a bone crushing hug. They had done it, the girls had locked theirselves a place into the the round of 16 where the fear of being knocked-out waited for them. 

Monica was still screaming and cheering at the top of her lungs just as the rest of the stadium was, thank god she had almost finished recording her album, the last few songs having to wait for another week. The team danced around the pitch in a giant group hug as Tony and all the other staff members plus the players on the bench ran in to join them. 

As Sam emerged from the hug her head snapped off to Monica's face painted with green and gold ; courtesy of Clara (and of course help from Harper and Harley). The girls dispersed to go meet with fans, Sam walked slowly to where she beckoned Monica to come down with her hand. Monica couldn't help the spread of the blush to her cheeks, she walked down the steps of the dispersing grandstand to meet Sam. 

"Sammy! That was incredible!" Monica exclaimed as she approached the barricades.

Sam, still flushed with the exhilaration of the game, grinned back at her friend. "Thanks, Moni. It was a tough one, but we pulled through."

The crowd around them was chanting and cheering, and Monica leaned closer to Sam to be heard over the noise. "Your goals were amazing, especially that dribble in the second half. You made it look easy!"

Sam laughed modestly. "Well, I had great teammates setting me up for those chances. And the support from the fans, like you, means the world to us. You mean the world to me Monica."

Monica's eyes widened slightly at the statement before returning to their relaxed state, gleamed with pride. "I wouldn't miss a game for anything. You guys are inspiring. Look at all the young girls and boys here."

"This is exactly what we wanted as a team, thanks for being here Moni." Sam came closer to Monica to be able to be heard over the deafening crowd. "Also I never got to tell you how much you suit the jersey in person."

Monica's blush deepened, this time she took the compliment into account of her thought processing. "Why don't you sign it for me than Miss Kerr, you're my hero." The two shared a laugh before Sam pulled out a sharpie. Monica raised her eyebrows in confusion to what Sam was doing.

"Turn around gorgeous and I'll do it for you." Monica didn't even debate the suggestion, she turned around so her back faced Sam, the sharpie on her back sent chills up her spine as Sam gripped onto Monica's hip for support. "How about we catch up in a few days, for coffee or something, I'll be in Melbourne to play Canada so we can build around that yeah?"

Monica's face lit up with enthusiasm. "That sounds fantastic! I'd love that, I'm actually in Melbourne for the whole of next week for recording."

"I'll text you." Sam pulled Monica into a tight hug around her waist as Monica's arms wrapped around the brunette's neck. With that Sam was pulled away by the demands of fans all wanting to have something signed and a photo taken. Monica let Sam go and watched her as she interacted with the fans. 

As if she could go any redder at this point, she didn't know how to feel. What she felt with Sam was so much different to how she felt with any of her exes no matter how in love she thought she was.

Monica turned to go get a taxi back to the hotel, all her luggage had been moved over to her room so that she could have a good sleep before an early flight down to Melbourne tomorrow

Monica turned to go get a taxi back to the hotel, all her luggage had been moved over to her room so that she could have a good sleep before an early flight down to Melbourne tomorrow

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Word Count: 1952

As you can see I haven't updated in a few days, I apologise to all of you who have been on the edge of your seats waiting for the next update. I have so many exams to study for because I made the choice to do advanced subjects and extensions #overachiever 

I also said I wasn't gonna write the game how it happened but I did but changed the win + added goals from Sam which was easier to write than making up a whole new game. Once again updates will be slow cause the HSC begins in two days and goes for 3 weeks.

Love you all.


Wildest Dreams ~ Sam Kerrحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن