Chapter Seven - Kiawe's Perspective

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Kirby, Tiff, StarHope, Dark MK, and I awoke to a shrill scream! "Lillie!" I shouted, hearing where it was coming from, however Kirby gasped, then looked at StarHope, "That was Hannah! We need to get Shadow!" StarHope nodded. As they opened the door, they found everyone there, they nodded in agreement with the plan as going as a group.

When they got to Lillie's room, we heard music playing. We all were confused, usually Snowy would talk to calm Lillie down. I saw Tiff, Meta Knight, Dark MK, and Tuff sad for Kirby, Shadow, and StarHope. Kirby, Shadow, and StarHope were in compleate tears, banging on the door. Misty, Brock, and Delia were suprised that someone ended up waking everyone, as well as chilled everone to the bone. Lillie opened the door, looking quite worried, as well as sad and concerned. She had tears in her eyes. "Come on... I could use some help." Lillie said, empathyin her voice, we all rushed in, Kirby, Starhope, Shadow, and Lillie being the quickest, therefore arriving at Hannah first.

"GET BACK!" Everyone but the siblings of Hannah jumped back to Meta Knight, Tiff, Tuff, and Dark MK yelling at them. Tears were in Hannah's eyes, compleately parading down her face, her spakle flickering like she was losing ho she seemed as if she is in pain, she screamed another bone chilling shrill! A moment later she collapsed unconscious, they saw Tiff toss Kirby his Warp Star, Dark MK toss Shadow his Warp Star, and Meta Knight toss StarHope her Warp Star! Each of them ate it and gained a red and white rod, it was a spiral for each, with their Warp Star on top of it. They all tried to do somthing, then Kirby shouted, "We can't its as if its working for Void!"

Lillie gasped, seeing the star in her hands turn pitch black, with blood red for the outer ring. "We will need to fight her unless she expels it on her own!" Shadow shouted, then everyone from DreamLand screamed together, while StarHope tapped seven buttons with her tablet at its max volume, "I BELIVE YOU CAN DO IT HANNAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kirby then shouted loudly, "REMEMBER HOW WE ALWAYS PLAY TOGETHER DAILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Whats happened to her?" Lillie and I ask Tiff as Hannah stands up to fight Kirby, weird thing is, she is pitch black with only a small star on her that is her normal colour, Shadow and Starhope. Lillie is next to us both now. "Dark Matter, a terrible being that can possess anyone. It takes over its victim, and slowly kills them... I don't know what to do other than keep reminding her of positive memories." Tiff answers, seeing Hannah barely poyo, and in her normal voice with one of her eyes normal, suddenly, it was back to the Dark Matter. "HANNAH!!!!!!!!!!!" Lillie screamed, louder than anyone or anything but that coice from before, "PLEASE!!!!!!! FIGHT THAT THING!!!!!!!!! PLEASE REMEMBER HOW OUR GOD NEVER FAILED US!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE REMEMBER HOW OUR GOD NEVER WILL FAIL US!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE REMEMBER HOW OUR GOD WILL NEVER FAIL US NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! HANNAH CALL UPON HIS NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The star grew bigger, her eye retuning to normal. Lillie stepped forward, while lillie began to sing, Hannah was poyoing along, still having no control over her body, but able to stop the Dark Matter thing from killing anyone or seriously hurting anyone.

Suddenly, she returend to normal, so did her Warp Star. A black orb with little orange ones appeared, it was dissapating, "I should've known better than to try to take this one over." Dark Matter was gone. Hannah was unconscious, suddenly, everything went white and all of us were there too, Hannah was there also, but awake.

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