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It's been about a good hour, Niccolò and Brando have been running errands and you're just there.

Sitting in the car. Clearly bored.
"Hey do you mind dropping me off to Sofia's house, I uhh promised her I will see her before the school week starts.." you ask Brando.
"Sure." He smiles at you.
The words again 'I want you' play in your head.
He's starts to head to Sofia's house.


Hey girly I'm making my way to yours :)

Sofia 🤪💗

I really don't care.. Uhm we can get something to eat

Yum let me know when you're outside.

                                  Yesss I will

About 20 minutes and you arrive.
"Here we are" Brando looks over at you.
"Thanks so much" you hop out the car, feeling a strong  stare from the back seat.
"What Niccolò?" You ask him.
"Don't do anything stupid" he says.
"I won't" you chuckle.
"Yeah you Better not!" He shouts whilst Brando laughs and drives off.

They're so funny. Brando and Niccolò have such a strong friendship they're like Joey and chandler from friends. Such a cute friendship. But that will all go, if Niccolò finds out about me and Brando. How did me  having a little stupid crush on Brando lead me to having a secret relationship with him in just a matter of days. I want him so bad but I don't want the consequences that go with it..

You knock on the door.
Sofia opens the door.
"Heyy" you hug her.
"What are we going to eat" she says.
"I don't know pasta?" You smile.
Her smile Drops.
"we literally live in Italy and you want pasta? GIRL THERES AN NEW PLACE AT THE MALL ITS LIKE MIDDLE EASTERN FOOD" Sofia says.
"Oooo I love Middle Eastern Food" you say.
"Let's goo" Sofia grabs her keys and heads to the car you guys drive to near the mall.
You then arrive and go in.
"Ooo fancy" Sofia dances around you.
You laugh and look around.
You guys sit at a table.
"What are you getting?" You ask her.
" I have no idea" she smiles.
"Oh my, for fucks sake look who's here" Sofia's mood changes as she points behind you.
You look behind you. It's Damiano 
"Well he's Arab I'm not surprised he's here" Sofia laughs.
"I'm not bothered for drama let's just ignore him"
You guys order food and eat. You guys enjoy yourself, talk and talk ,laugh and laugh.

Whilst you guys are going to pay Damiano approaches you..
"Hey Maria." He says.
"What do you want?" You roll your eyes.
"I wanna talk seriously." He says.
"Damiano I can't trust you." You say walking out.
"Maria please. I really wanna talk." You can sense the desperation in him.
"Two minutes that's all." you cross your arms.
"I'm really sorry about this week. And the photo. And I'm serious someone pressured me to leak your photo or I'll be fired from my job"
"Wow, your after school job is really more important then a photo of yourself on the internet going viral" you get angry
"Maria. My job is more than you think it's hard to explain but I'm really really sorry for everything." He says
"Is that why you asked me if I told people where you worked?"
"Yeah, no one can find out."
"Look Damiano I don't care about where you work but if they are forcing you to do bad things you should report them"
"No I can't, they pay me good money"
"Are you still doing drugs?"
"Hey we don't talk about that" he says.
"Damiano. Is this why you have been doing everything?" You ask him
He stays quiet.
"I'm sorry. I really am" he replied.
"Look I'll forgive you. But I've lost my trust and I'll appreciate if we don't talk to each other" you say.
"Deal" he walk off.

You sigh.
"What was that all about" Sofia walk ups to you.
"He wanted to apologise" you say.
"I forgave him but I told him not to speak to me ever again" you say.
"That's good. You dealt it well" she smiles.
"Let's walk around the mall"

You guys walk around and buy a few things. You buy this beautiful biker jacket with black and white checkered back with flames at the bottom. You also buy a lot of gold jewellery as your a gold girly.
You spot Niccolò and Brando.
"Oh shit Sofia" you laugh.
"What??" She said.
"Look down there" you say.
" lets scare them." She laughs.
You creep up walking towards them you keep calling their names with a weird voice and they turn back clueless. On the fifth go when they turned back you and Sofia jumped out of nowhere and the boys screamed.
"AHAHHAAHHAAH" you and Sofia burst out in laughter slowly Brando joins whilst Niccolò is pissed off.
" oh calm down Niccolò!" You say.
"No I'm not going to calm down I nearly got a fucking heart attack."
"It's was actually funny." Brando laughs.

Authors note!!!
Hey guys sorry it's been a while I have been back at school so kind busy but posted.
I need ideas for this story so I will be posting a convo for ideas. Let me know!!

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