Alex Imagine

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I was walking home from school when I heard thunder. It's a 15-20 minute walk. 'Oh great' I thought as I started walking. The thunder continues to get louder and louder as I walk. All of a sudden the rain starts to fall. It's starts off as a drizzle and then it comes down hard. I get soaked from head to toe. My backpack is soaked as well. I hope all my papers aren't soaked with water. I continue walking as fast as I can when a white Mercedes pulls up next to me.
"Hey, need a ride?" A guy says in a really sweet tone.
I look over. It's a teenage boy with dirty blonde hair. We go to the same. He's kind of popular and I assume right away he wants something for me.
I pick up my pace to a jog. He continues to follow me.
"Can you please just leave me alone?" I say slightly nervous. Not sure of what he was going to do to me.
"Hey I promise I won't hurt you. I'm a good kid."
I hesitate.
"Oh come on! You're completely soaked."
I decide to say something.
"I don't want to get your seat all wet."
The rain comes down even harder.
"It's no big deal! Just get in."
I hop in the car. I'm soaked enough to where I'm hoping my homework is water logged.
"I'm Alex." he says holding out his hand for me to shake.
"Olivia" I say shaking his hand
"Where do you live?"
"Cherrywood apartments."
"Those are right next to my neighborhood."
We drive off.
"So Olivia, what grade are you in?"
"I'm a senior."
"I'm a senior too."
He turns on the radio.
"I hear you're pretty smart."
I blush a little.
"Ya I guess so."
"I was wondering maybe you could tutor me?"
I look out the window and smile. This guy I barely know wants me to tutor him. I don't even know what he's like.
"Ya sure."
"Cool. Do Tuesday's work for you."
"Uh let me think."
I go over my schedules on Tuesdays. After school I babysit from 3 to 5 and then I eat dinner at 5:30. After dinner I work on my homework.
"Well I'd be over late."
"Like what time?"
"Uh like 6:30."
"That works for me."
"Ok cool."
He drops me off.
"Thanks for the ride."
"No problem."
"See you tomorrow."
*Tuesday after school*
I walk home. I get home with 5 minutes to relax before the kids come. I babysit 3 kids. Jake, Nathan, and Mary. They're all siblings. Jake is 8 Nathan is 6 and Mary is 3. There are easy to babysit. I help Jake and Nathan with their homework. Then we always play a board game. We decided to play Candy Land. After the children left I made spaghetti. After I ate Alex came by to pick me up. My parents don't get home till 9:30 every night and then they leave at 6:30 every morning.
"You'll have to pick me up every Tuesday since my parents are always working late."
"Ok. That's fine by me."
We drive in silence. We arrive at a big yellow house.
"My mom's home."
We get out and we go through the open garage.
His mom is in the kitchen.
"Mom, this is my tutor Olivia."
"Hi Olivia! It's so nice to meet you!" She says all happily
"Nice to meet you too."
"We'll be studying mom so don't bother us."
We walk into a separate dining room and set all our stuff out.
"What subject do you struggle with the most?" I ask
"Math and then it's science."
*After tutoring*
"I can't wait for you to come over next week. You're a really good tutor."
"Thanks Alex."

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