Zach Imagine for dinosaurtaco99

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My name is Rylan. I'm 17 years old. I'm really short! I'm only 5'2". I have long brown hair and brown eyes.
My friends would say I'm funny, nice, but I can be mean depending on what the situation is.
I'm just getting ready to go to a picnic with my best friends Becky, Emily, and Brianna.
I decide to wear a long black with white striped skirt. It goes down to my ankles. I put on a white shirt. I put on a little bit of makeup. After I'm done I grab my purse from my room and head downstairs.
I hear a car horn outside. Becky's here.
I walk outside and get into the car.
"You guys ready for a nice relaxing time?!" Emily asks
"Yes!" We all say in sync
She pulls out of the driveway and we head to the park. From my house it's about a 5 minute drive.
Brianna insisted on making the picnic food. None of us now what we are going to eat.
We pull into the park's parking lot and park.
We get out and grab the the basket and blanket. We find a spot by the basketball court. The park is busy today so there's a lot of people and really no good spots to sit expect near the basketball court.
There are 4 guys playing basketball. They live in my neighborhood so I always see them. I never bothered getting to know them because that's all they seemed to do was play basketball.
We lay the red checkered blanket on the ground and put the basket in the center of it. We all sit around it.
Brianna moves the basket closer to her.
"Okay close your eyes. I don't want to guys seeing what I made just yet."
We all close our eyes.
"Becky I see you peeking!"
He gets something out of the basket and lays one in front of us. I reach down to touch it and it's a plate.
"Wow you made plates." I say sarcastically
"Haha. No."
She then pulls something out that sounds like it's in a bag. The bag is opened and she puts it on our plates.
She then pulls out something else and lays that on our plates.
"Just wait there's two more things."
She pulls out something else and then the something after that.
"Okay open your eyes now!"
We all open our eyes and look down.
She made sandwiches with potato chips and chocolate chip cookies on the side. To drink we have fruit punch in red plastic cups.
"The chips and fruit punch were obviously not made by me but the cookies were."
"Looks good." I say
We all start to eat.
"Rylan heads up!" Emily says
As I'm looking for the ball it hits me smack dab in the face.
*Zach's POV*
Austin, Alex, Robert and I were playing basketball. I accidentally threw the basketball over the hoop and hit a girl in the face. I go running over to her.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I say
She gets up and brushes the grass off her skirt. 'What is she going to do.' She grabs the ball and walks over to me.
"Your fine. Happens to me all the time. It's like I'm a ball magnet." She says laughing a little
"Haha. Are you sure your okay?"
"What's your name?" I ask
I find her kind of pretty.
"Rylan. What's yours?"
"Zach. I see you around my neighborhood."
"Ya. I live there."
"Would you want to maybe get to know each other better?" I ask kind of nervously
"Sure. I'd love that!"
"Ok cool. Here's my phone number." I say pulling out a candy wrapper and writing on it
"Thanks. Text you later."
"See you around." she says and then goes back to her friends who are giggling.
I hope you liked this dinosaurtaco99 !

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