Chapter 6

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* The Next Day *
Miles is sitting in bed. He removes his duvet then gets dressed.

 He removes his duvet then gets dressed

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️ Top Ones ⬆️

He walks out of his dorm

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He walks out of his dorm. He starts walking to the cafeteria for some breakfast when a voice calls him. He recognises it instantly.


She runs to catch up to him. She stands in front of him blocking his path. She goes to grab the mask but he moves back.

Mal: why was Evie crying when she come back to our dorm?! what did you say to her?!

Miles: it's what you said Mal! because of you we had to break up! when she came to my dorm last night i ignored her! BECAUSE OF YOU!

He tries to walk away.

Mal: how is it my fault?!


He turns his back to her then walks away. He reaches the cafeteria and gets some packet food. He puts it in his bag then walks to a ledge on the roof.

He sits down with his legs dangling over the edge. He opens his bag pulling out a Battenberg and starts eating it. He hears the door to the roof open and then footsteps behind him.

Miles quickly puts his mask back on. He looks behind him seeing Mal and Evie, no Jay or Carlos. He faces away again. He raises his mask to bite into his Battenberg then lowers it.

Mal: Miles

Miles: leave me alone, both of you

Evie: but Miles ple-

Miles: you made your choice Evie. i gave you the choice between listening to Mal or doing what you wanted, and you listened to Mal like always.

Evie: i didn't think doing that would lead to this.

Miles: i said that if you didn't come with me we were done, you chose to stay with Mal.

Evie: i didn't know what to do Miles, but i came to your dorm to say i was choosing you. that's why i wrote it on the notes and waited for you to open the door.

Miles: i never read them, i put them straight into a draw. i don't want anything to do with either of you, Jay or Carlos. i want to be alone.

Miles puts his food away then moves off the ledge. He walks past them and walks back down the stairs from the roof to the ground floor.

He exits the building then starts walking back to his dorm. He passes loads of students who give him funny looks. He sees Jay and Carlos.

Jay: Miles

Miles: leave me alone Jay

Jay: Miles ju-


His hair shoots up on fire, flames come up on his back and more flames surround both his now clenched fists.

Everyone around look at him in fear, even Jay and Carlos. Once all the flames dissapear Miles sprints to his dorm.

He reaches his door slamming the door behind him. He throws him bag across the room. It hits a wall then lands on the sofa below.

Miles has his back to the wall. He slides down and sits on the floor. Tears start to fall down his cheeks.

He sees a guitar next to him. He picks it up and starts to play it.

He starts to play a differt tune but this time he starts to sing.

He stops playing and puts his head against the wall letting more tears roll down his cheek.

He hears a soft knock on his door. He doesn't answer, instead he stays where he was crying. There is another knock then a soft voice.

FGM: Miles it's Fairy Godmother, are you ok in there?

Miles: yes

FGM: is everything ok with you and the others?

Miles: no

FGM: do you want to tell me what's happened?

Miles: no

FGM: ok, you can have today off

Miles: ok

She walks away leaving Miles alone once again. He is sitting there for a while before he gets up. He removes his jacket and boots. Once he's done that his lays in his bed.

He decides to take a nap. He soon falls asleep.

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