'I won't, but you have to be careful.'

I grinned at her and hugged her tightly.

'Thank you, Tara!~' I giggled

After that day, I'd go and see Seiich every day, and we'd hang out. I'd enjoy our talks, and he did, too. There was only one issue. He kept asking me to show him my village, and I'd have to refuse every single time. We spent years together, talking and meeting in secret. Things went wrong when I turned 16.

'C'mon Zaranara.~' he begged. 'Lemme see Conejo village!'

'Seiich, I told you I can't.' I said, blushing as my heartbeat sped up

'Please, Zara!' he begged. 'I'll owe you one then.'

'Oh yeah? What'll you owe me? A kiss?' I teased

He leaned down with his face inches away from mine.

'If you ask~'

I blushed bright red and pushed him away while playing it cool.

'Yeah, in your dreams.'

'You can make them come true.' he said, pinning me against a tree.

I smacked him playfully, and he chuckled

'You're just too cute, Zaranara~.'

He kept asking me until one day, I caved and showed him the way on a map. The next day, when I returned from picking some carrots, I smelt wood burning. I ran to the source and saw my entire village being destroyed. I gasped, and my eyes watered in fear and worry. I heard laughing and turned to see Seiich.

'S-Seiich?' I said with my voice wavering.

He was covered in blood and had a bloody sword in his hand. He was about to go and stab my big sister, but I ran to him and yanked his hand.

'STOP SEIICH!' I yelled

He grunted and flung me off him. He stabbed Tara, who was looking at him horrified.

'TARA!' I screamed, running to my sister and hugging her dead body. 'W-Why are you doing this.'

'Well, Zara,' he cooed, taking my face in his hand, 'I needed to prove myself to Dottore. What better way than to find and destroy Conejo Village.'

'I-I'll tell the Akademiya about you! I'll have you arrested!' I screamed at him, and he laughed in response

'Tell them what? That I destroyed your village? It's your fault this happened, Zara.' he said

'W-What?' I mustered out.

'Who went outside Conejo Village to talk to a fox? You. Who told your village's greatest enemy your location? You. Who was the one who led me here? You.' he said with a sadistic smirk. 'You're a killer, Zara, a criminal.'

My brain shut down. My hands shook as I looked at them. They were blood-soaked.

'Run my little bunny. Run.' Seiich said with a look of pure insanity.

So I ran...I ran and ran as fast and far as I could. Eventually, I fell to the ground and hid behind a bush. I heard a bunch of voices approach my now destroyed home. I heard a female voice coughing.

'Oh, archons, this place is destroyed.' I heard the girl say, 'Nari, any survivors?'

She turned to a person. I couldn't see him, but he had a male voice.

'No...nothing survived here, Eve. Not even the royal family.'

My breath hitched at the mention of my family. This was all my fault. Everyone was gone because of me. The girl, whose name I assumed was Eve, spoke up again.

'Did you bring the water?' she asked, and a bunch of forest rangers came in with buckets of water.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and used her vision to spread the water across the village.

'I will bring the General Mahamatra to get his input on who could've caused it.'


'From that day, I started hating foxes. I thought they were all horrible traitors who would take advantage of me. I decided to hide from everyone and never show myself. I wanted everyone to believe I was dead. That plan was going well until I met...'

Kiana's POV

Her whole body froze, and tears flowed down her cheeks as she completed her statement.

'Until I met Tighnari.' she mustered as her bunny ears drooped down

'Oh Zara...' I began

'I wanted to hate him, b-but he was just so kind and patient that I couldn't help but fall for him.' she said, wiping her eyes. 'I love him, Kiana, but he loves her, and who would love a criminal?'

'It wasn't your fault.' I told her, 'Seiich used you. You were naive, and he used that against you.'


'It wasn't your fault.' I repeated, but she didn't look at me

I sighed and gently went towards her and made her look at me before hugging her tightly.

'You must've been so scared.' I whispered 'I'm so so sorry that happened to you.'

She looked at me once we broke the hug.

'We're going to fight this time, Rara! Together.' I said, smiling determinedly

Zara finally smiled after what felt like forever.

'And about Tighnari...' I began, and she looked up at me again. 'He loves you...he's just too dense to realize it yet.'

'How are you so sure?'

'Well, because I'm dating walking talking proof of just that.' I said, smirking, 'Guys are dumbasses. That's why they need girls like us to keep them alive.'

Save Me From Myself (Scaramouche/Wanderer x OC)Where stories live. Discover now