Davor Mason

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Born in the harsh and unforgiving Hold of Belkzen, Davor was the son of a Orc Chieftan and a captured Aasimar woman, an ex-paladin. She was captured alive as Chief Grick-Nug wanted to breed with many difference species and see what the results would be, in hopes of breeding a better and more vile and powerful Orc. He was disappointed at first as the child appeared weak and frail compared to an Orc, however unlike normal Orcs his hair was blond and he appeared to have a greater intelligence than Orc children.

He also had hope as his son would rebel every time he’s beat the boy’s mother in front of him, however he never lasted for too long which spurned a vengeful and angry child. Davor had loved his mother and she taught him how to be able to draw powers from the Gods, but he had no idea which one to follow. His mother followed Iomedae, however, she did not pressure him as he had to find his own path.

Davor’s hate for his own kind grew worse after his father killed his mother after he was savagely brutal during one beating and dumped her body in the wastes for the scavengers to feast on. Davor managed to keep her dogtags from her squad and her squad’s tags as a memory and for what he was planning when the time came. For showing care for his mother, his father had beaten him again, but this time removed his eye.

Most of the camp followed Lamashtu, but the ageing seer and half the camp were followers of Gorum. His bloodlust would’ve been beneficial to Lamashtu, however he wished to follow the God of war and put all his energy into growing strong and powerful, focusing his rage to his lord’s call and learn what he needed to focus his divine gift.

One night, the shaman got into a fierce argument with the chieftain and ended up dying, causing a rift in the camp as there was all out chaos. It ended with his battle with his father, who grinned as he saw his son about to remove his head from his shoulders with his own sword. He fled, wanting to return to the world his mother came from and find a purpose in the civilised world.

As he arrived at Lastwall, he was detained as a potential spy and put under spells to read the truth from him. He had handed in the dog tags and his weapons to the mighty paladins, but that was far from earning their trust. It was a few more weeks before his claims were supported from a recon group that claimed to have seen what happened and noticed the ruined mess the camp had become.

Davor MasonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora