I-I think I'm going to move on

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Outstretched arms flop down onto her soft light green bedspread, Tina stared at the white popcorn ceiling of her room with blank eyes. "I love Ryan." She whispered void of emotion, slowly, she sat up tired eyes reflecting her mood. She hopped off her bed and grabbed her bag, as she stepped out of her room she heard her brother and dad talking, though she can't quite make out what they are saying.

"I just think that boy isn't for her. He berates her and degrades her only to lead her on more. Tony I need you to do something about it. You are her brother I am vaguely disappointed that you haven't done anything. Have you seen her these past few weeks?" Leo looks over to the hallway leading to her room. Tony sighs,

"Yeah I have been struggling with that, I've been a horrible brother, all he does is talk shit about her then kiss her. But he makes her so happy when he's not being a dick I just couldn't bring myself to do anything. I just, I don know dad I don't know how to step in to help her move on.." Tony looks down in utter shame, he HATES that boy but it just seems useless to even try to get Tina to move on.

Tina walks in, completely oblivious to the previous conversation "Hey dad, hey Tony," She gave a small smile before grabbing the plate that was set out for her, "and thank you for the food." She sat down at the table with them and started picking at the food.

"Hey Teens, how you doing?" Tony asked slinging an arm around his twin's shoulder.

"I'm fine, I didn't really sleep very well last night, you?" She mumbled with her mouthful of cereal, Tony shook her a little before smiling and replying.

"I slept gggrrreeaaat!" He smirked very proud at his joke using his other hand to point at the Frosted Flakes cereal extremely proud of himself. Tina rolled her eyes before giving in and laughing a little, "Well thank you for your recognition." He smiled and removed his arm from his sister.

Tina then finished her cereal well the small family had a good conversation, "Well Teens we should be get going, I know you like being early" Tony stated holding her bag as Tina cleaned off her bowl and put it into the drying rack, she smiled and walked over to him.

"Okay then Mr. Prepared" she snatched her bag from him and walked out the door, "Love you dad see you later!"

"See ya dad!" Tony exclaimed following his sister's lead, continuing to bicker the whole way to school.

"See you kids later!" Leo stated before slowly getting ready for work

Tina and Tony arrived to the daycare, Tony ran in ahead of her, he did have a basketball game to kick Danny's ass in. But that left Tina all alone,'I Love Ryan'. She walked into the daycare happier than she left the previous day, the morning with her family helping a lot. Nothing too bad had happened the day prior, but Ryan had rejected her hug at the end of the day, she felt so pathetic for letting it bother her.

She shook her head and headed up the stairs "Hey Cutie!" She smiled and ran to go hug Ryan but before she can he pushes her over.

"Seriously Tina? Don't touch me." He looked down at her as she layed on the floor "I am not your boyfriend." Ryan lightly tapped her with his foot, "You gonna get up?" No response, "Okay then.." he walked away perplexed, wondering if he was too hard on her, but this is what he normally did.

Tina's eyes welled up with tears letting them fall as she watched him walk away, her ankle hurts, her back hurts, her head hurt, her ass hurts.. She hurts. Tears now steadily flowing she sits up slightly, the push having really hurt her ankle. She didn't really know what to do anymore, Ryan had agreed to go play a game with her today.. But now she didn't want to... wait? She didn't want to? A realization hit, the tears fell harder as she attempted to get up, she quickly realized that the injury to her ankle was a lot worse than she previously imagined, barely able to stand on it she started down the main stairs. 'I love Ryan?'

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