Chapter 1

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The rain was pouring hard and fast, and the thunder was shaking the city. Akshara walked through the rain-soaked streets, zoned out thinking about what just happened some time ago.  cars were honking their horns at her because she was in the middle of the road in the middle of nowhere. But the water and the thunderstorm were nothing to what was happening inside her. Akshara was lost in her own thoughts, and the world outside was just a shadow. The storm was a mirror of her inner turmoil, and she walked on, oblivious to the chaos around her.

She didn't realize that when she entered the bus and when it started to move. all she had in her mind right now was Abhi, her Abhimanyu. his accusations and actions which killed her. he said that he lost his brother and kid because of her, he even brought back the trauma of her mother's death. It all happened again. She was being accused of someone's death and of Neil, whom she considered her first child, her partner in crime. and her kids? She lost both of her kids, and she could clearly understand what her manjari ma was going through, she lost the fetus and that feeling was killing her but, Manjari lost her child whom she raised for years giving all the love and care he deserved, how would she handle this. how would she live without her child...

her trail or thoughts broke when she saw someone snapping fingers in front of her. She saw a man who looked like a bus conductor and then she realized that yes it was actually a bus conductor and she was on a bus.

"Hello, ma'am back to earth? where do you want to go" the conductor asked frustrated while she looked at him with blank eyes..." I don't know " she murmured while he kept on looking at her, " do you have money?" he asked angrily while she said no. . the conductor asks driver to stop the bus, she has no money. the driver stopped the bus which caused her slip and was about to fall when a stranger caught her. 

Akshara came out of his grip and got off the bus, it was still raining and the cold weather was giving her chills, the clouds turned dark and made the sun disappear. she started walking forward when she heard some footsteps behind her

he turned backward and saw the stranger who fought her on the bus and for a moment all the negative thoughts came to her mind and the weather and darkness were doing no good for her.

"what do you want" she voiced out harshly and started taking steps away from his

"Look ma'am I am not gonna harm you, you were not well and I didn't feel like letting you go alone," he said while she just looked at him with anger and fear.

"I don't need anyone's help so leave" she screamed panting hard which made him concerned. he was about to say something when she fell on the ground fainting.


she slowly opened her eyes, everything was blurry at first but then her vision started to clear she saw a man and woman sitting on the sofa near the hospital bed. hospital bed... she was in hospital.

soon she heard the man calling the doctor, it was the same man from the bus. but who is that woman?

soon the doctor came. "how are you feeling Mrs..." It's Akshara. she said while the doctor nodded her head. "we were waiting for you to gain consciousness" said the doctor.

"How did I reach here I don't remember anything," she said holding her head

"you fainted on the road ji," she heard him saying looking down.

"Ms. Akshara you know right you should be more careful this time, it's not good for the baby," said the doctor which made her eyes wide. "my baby... doctor are you sure they said that my babies are no more.... my baby" doctor saw how she was getting hyper and it was not good for her health right now. "ms. you have only miscarried one baby one is still alive inside you but if you take more stress then I am afraid, and we have talked out the dead fetus too please don't take any more stress" said the doc and walked out of the room

"Ma'am ji I think we need to inform them this in your home" she heard him saying and that's when Abhimanyu came to her mind. " pho.. phone cane you give me your phone I have to talk to my husband" she asked restlessly while gave his phone to her hurriedly.

( the conversation is the same as the show between Abhimanyu and Akshara )

 Akshara was so angry hearing Abhimanyu that she slapped the stranger hard and then she realized what she did

"I... I am sorry it was" I understand Ji, it's not your fault you were angry" She looked toward the man wondering if such a person exist in this world who said nothing even after she slapped him without any fault of him.


so here Is the first chapter. hope you all liked it

so how was his chapter, hope it's not boring

if yes please let me know through the comments and your suggestions are always welcome.

thank you

Broken But BeautifulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora