Critical condition

Start from the beginning

" I miss mom l wish we could stay together as one " Rhett said

" Not now Hett your mom doesn't actually know you guys are twins and you have switched " Grey called a number

After a ring the number picked up

" What is it Red " Grey asked

" Don it Donelly . She happened to meet Miss Natalie in an hotel . And Miss Natalie started to bleed from the look of thing she is traumatized and refuses to speak to anyone

" I will be there don't get Luis close to her " Grey hanged up

" Enzo drive to Wave Hospital now " Grey yelled

The kids didn't bother asking any questions. They believe their dad and did guessed what happened already.


Valentina sat down , legs shaking, head down and eyes on the floor  .She kept murmuring " l killed an innocent life " . Stormi was worried about her , she refused to live her side . It been about 5 hours and still the operation was going on she couldn't help but get sacred.

" Donelly" Stormi called her

Valentina was in the same position doing the same thing . Stormi rubbed her back comforting her . She looked at Red who was coming from the other side . He excused herself to call someone

" Who where you taking to " Stormi asked

" I informed Lusi about everyone and Don is on his way " Red answered

He chocked his body on the wall he looked at Valentina awful state . This was really much on her

" Natalie" a voice screamed in the corridor

Red and Storming turned to the other side to see Luis and his family coming towards their direction. Upon seeing Valentina on the chair Luis run to her  He grabbed her hand raising her to her feet

" What did you do to her . You knew she was pregnant. You killed our first baby and you aren't satisfied that you want to kill this one . You find the position as been an ex hard " Luis shaked Valentina violently asking her

Valentina looked like she had just come from a coma , she didn't answer making Luis more frustrated. He pushed Valentina hard enough for her to fall on the floor . Red and Stormi rush to her aid helping her get up

" Sorry Sir but you aren't allowed to behave with a woman like that especially when she is the chosen as a Donelly to my boss " Red jumped in .Stormi took a chance to get Valentina back to her sit

" Our what will you do boy . Do you now the pain this bitch has cost me and my wife into " Luis disgustingly spilled out

Red didn't waste any much time and landed his fist on Luis face .

" Point of correction she has a name never call her a bitch that my boos woman " Red said to Luis on the ground

Luis who was on the ground was near Valentina. Her took a look at her state but couldn't feel any happier. He wished she was worst than this

" Hope you are happy now Valentina" Luis got up on his feet

" Red it fine l understand you are angry now but always think about the state of my son who's wife is in the operation room " Matin said

Red look at Mason he was shocked at what he said he never expected him to take his son side and that too after throwing Valentina on the ground

" Finally you see . I always told you this girl is a witch . She never wanted our family to be happy especially Natalie" Mrs Britney started to cry

She moved close to Valentina but Stormi was quick to stand up and block her way

" Girl would you leave there so l confront this witch " Mrs Britney said

" Sorry Aunty but it my duty to protect my Young Mistress here " Stormi blocked her way

" I have seen you have landed a big catch . Let me guess an old protruded belly . How much does he pay you to open your legs . Let me guess thousand cause you are unworthy of such . A dime is even suitable to be used to buy you " Mrs Britney was angry

Stormi and Red looked at each other they couldn't believe the words coming out of this old woman to her fellow woman who can be her daughter

" Aunty please my lady isn't like that " Stormi stepped in

Mrs Britney became super angry at Stormi who always cut in her words . She pushed Stormi to the other side .

" Aunty watch it on her " Red yelled pointing her hands at Mrs Britney

" Let me guess you two are lovers . Bodyguards inlove " Mrs Britney laughed

Red helped Stormi get u seeing they weren't guarding Valentina she pulled Valentina up giving her a hand slap on her face enough to push her to the floor .

" See who is on the floor . That where you belong" Mrs Britney slowly turned to the ground

She found no one on the ground her eyes slowly lifted on top . She was shocked as to who was here . It was Grey holding Valentina straight

" Grey " Mrs Britney calmly called

" Red take her to the dungeon and deal with her for touching my woman and that to harming her " Grey looked in his Aunty eyes

There was only fear and shock in her eyes . She dungeon? His woman ? she couldn't get anything

" Uncle you can't do that to my mom she did it out of self defense" Luis came in

" Am doing it out of self defense my woman is hurt not your mom " Grey evilly smirked

" Son please forgive her , l will take the blame for everything please " Martin fell on his knees infront of Grey

Everyone was puzzled by what was going on

" Grey am sorry l didn't know she is your woman " Mrs Britney tears rolled down her cheeks

" Don please for the sake of Natalie and Donelly. Let get assure she is fine fist before we deal with her " Stormi steeped in .

The light in of the operation room turned in as the doctor came out of the room looking tried

" Doctor how is my wife and baby speak " Luis jumped on the doctor

" We discovered that the baby is growing in her fallopian tube which is so much risky am even shocked as to how the baby was able to survive all this while . On the other hand the her bleeding was due to stress and the babies growth . The baby isn't get the nutrients as compared to a baby growing in the womb . Well the two made it but if this occurs again am afraid we might lose the both . Though she made it she is in a critical condition and needs much attention at the moment" the doctor explained and left the family

" You caused all this Valentina are you happy" Luis fired up

" Are you blaming my woman for you kid growing in the fallopian tube. You should know where to shot your sperms and not to any where nephew. Don't you ever in your life talk to her like this. If you don't want to loose all your teeth " Grey pointed a finger

Valentina couldn't hear everything going on . She was in her own world . Blood started to ooze from her nose .Because of her hair covering her face no one could notice this

" I think something is wrong with Donelly " Stormi said looking at how strange Valentina leg was turning to the other side

Grey lifted Valentina in a bridal style removing the hair strands covering her face . He was met with blood coming out of her nose

" She is bleeding if anything happens to her consider yourself in a coffin" Grey run with Valentina to get a doctor as Stormi and Red followed him .

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